Multitude of issues trying to connect to server


So, I've tried running a server using but to no avail. I could join, but would get kicked off after about 10 seconds for some sort of missing signature file.

I decided to try the latest version of the server files ( My ARMA 2 & DayZ was updated to the latest versions through DayZ Commander. However, when I start ARMA 2 OA it shows I have version 1.62 95248 and when I go to the server screen it says I am required to have 99153, which is obviously not the case since I updated to the latest 101747. My server is also set to the latest. This wrong version thing will be random even if I don't change anything. That's problem #1.

Problem #2 is when I can actually attempt to join my server (somehow I magically have the right version), I get all these errors about "Male01.Alternative". I get about 10 or so of those before the debug monitor starts spawning vehicles. Once that happens I am stuck on the DayZ splash screen with the progress bar full (as in 100%).

WTF is going on??
Ok, so I finally got the server working and could join it....but now it's not letting me change the time. It always defaults back to local time. I've changed the times in Hive.Ext to both custom and offset, but it is always night time. Once, I spawned in and it was day, but as soon as I moved my character, it went dark. Argh...
1. Try updating without using DayZ Commander and make sure that the beta patch you are launching is the latest one. Generally, updating (base) Arma 2, then updating OA fully, then updating to the latest beta patch, then updating DayZ is the best way. Doing those out of order can mess up your installation badly. And when I am referring to updating, I mean your client PC and the server.

2. Try setting the time to "static". Every time the server restarts then, it will set it back to the time you set it to.
The time format is a pain in the ass use static then 08 best way to check this if use uringame watch then u can see what time it actually is ingame
I got the time thing to work using "static", so that's one down! I still can't get Arma 2 to show the right version. The only way I can get it to work is to open the game using the "Launch Arma 2 OA beta patch" exe. Other than that, the server seems to be working. Things save, vehicles and animals spawn. Just wish I could have got to work. :(