Namalsk Auto Refuel Help!


New Member
Hi Guys,

Recently I had my server running Chernarus with lots of scripts found here running on it, all good with no issues.
However, I have recently switched maps to Namalsk and cant get half of my previous scripts to work!
I do understand they require some editing to be used on different maps, but I really cant get it to work.

the one that is really driving me crazy is the auto refuel script, I have tried every single thing I can find on almost every website/post relating to it.

If anyone would be kind enough to link me to the exact script I can just put into my mission file, or even a complete mission file with this script working for Namalsk i would be VERY grateful.

I hope someone out there has the answer for me!
I use KH Vehicle Refuel, which is done through classnames of buildings. Could you not just remove the Chernarus classnames from it and add the ones used in Namalsk?
I believe the classname for the one used in Namalsk is:
Im pretty sure I did try that, but still couldnt get it to work :(

Just to clarify, I changed this from my kh_actions.sqf. This:

if (!isNull player) then {
private ["_currentVehicle", "_isNearFeed", "_countFuel"];
_currentVehicle = vehicle player;
_countFuel = (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_Fuel_tank_big", _distance]));
_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_A_FuelStation_Feed", _distance]));
_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_Ind_TankSmall", _distance]));
_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_Ind_TankSmall2", _distance]));
_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1", _distance]));
_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_fuel_tank_stairs", _distance]));
_isNearFeed = _countFuel > 0;

and I would be changing it to this?:

if (!isNull player) then {
private ["_currentVehicle", "_isNearFeed", "_countFuel"];
_currentVehicle = vehicle player;
_countFuel = (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["
, _distance]));

I hope :S Are you running your script on a Namalsk or Chernarus server?
I believe that would work

And I run it on Chernarus, but it should still do the check for buildings, and show the option correctly
I hope it works for ya
Ah :/ Sorry then dude, I'll look around for things relating to this, if I see anything I'll post it here
That thread uses the exact same method I mentioned earlier, the only difference being that the building classname in his script is
I guess the post I read with the "correct" classname was incorrect
You can either just swap out the classname for that one, or just copy the code in the post you linked to.