Namalsk non GUID spawn gear problem


Valued Member!

On namalsk after the 0.75 update new player spawn gear didn't work anymore. After some work arounds and some trial and error I've finally got GUID based spawn gear working aswell as non GUID.

Only problem is, with the non GUID players spawn into the debug (or rather, just a black screen). After they return to the lobby, and get back in the game they spawn without a problem (and with the gear).
I can't for the life of me figure out why this is. With the GUID based it just runs trough without a problem.

Anybody got an idea why?

For the non GUID gear, in my server_playerlogin I changed the following:

//_inventory =    [];
//_backpack =    [];
//_items =        [];
//_magazines =    [];
//_weapons =        [];
//_medicalStats =    [];
_survival =        [0,0,0];
//_tent =            [];
//_state =        [];
//_direction =    0;
_model =        "";
//_newUnit =        objNull;
//_botActive = false;

full file:
How are you doing the loadouts? can you post your formats like you string them together or seperate, post if you can here while removing guids obviously, might be something in there.. also I dont think you need to cancel out all those but I might be wrong on that