Need a scipt for a building kit


New Member
Hey guys, Wondering if this is the right thread to ask for this...Ive tried several things in spawning in a Ural into my server for some friends that would contain a building kit, Apart from spawning each item one by one id like to do the same as other servers do with spawning in a Ural loaded with building supplies so they can go to town with it. Current my server runs Epoch Panthera on the Vilayer Hive with Infini Admin Tools/Extended controls. if anyone knows a script

So i basically need to spawn in a Locked Ural, with somewhere in the script i can add specific items and amounts ( Which I can fill out later) willing to pay for your time if it works...Ive spent all day trying to get this to work. and i did get a Ural into the game...only for it to blow up seconds later and kill me

Rite now im doing

_abox = "Ural_CDF" createVehicle (position player);

[_abox] execVM "\scripts\cargo.sqf";


_abox = _this select 0;
_dayz_wep =[""];

_dayz_mag =[""];

_dayz_bpk =["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1"];

Everytime i get into the ural. It implodes
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It explodes due to the anti-hack, btw, mention what you are running, Dayz/Epoch or what. Also if you are running an AH such as infiStar or Blur anti-hack, mention that as well... NEITHY (Not Enough Info To Help You)
I am running DayZ Epoch Panthera Private Hive on Vilayer with Infistar Pro+ extended controls. iv tried spawning trucks with and without BE enabled. both ways they explode.

I'm to the point now where i just spawn a tent with a bunch of building supplies in it using

_abox = "AmmoBoxBig" createVehicle (position player);

//Add Cargo

_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["30m_plot_kit",2];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["CinderBlocks",180];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartWoodplywood",25];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartPlankPack",25];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartGeneric",35];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["MortarBucket",50];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemTankTrap",20];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemLightBulb",3];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemComboLock",4];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["Cinder_wall_kit",20];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["Metal_panel_kit",20];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartGlass",5];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemWire",5];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSandbag",5];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemGenerator",1];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["fuel_pump_kit",1];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemJerrycan",1];
_abox addweaponCargoGlobal ["ItemCrowbar",1];
_abox addweaponCargoGlobal ["ItemETool",1];
_abox addweaponCargoGloball ["ItemHuntingknife",1];
_abox addweaponCargoGlobal ["ItemMatchbox_DZE",1];
_abox addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",1];


My only issue is in order for me to spawn the Ammobox i have to turn off BE...I would like to spawn all them items ina locked Ural in the HIVE so It wont dispensary or blow up on entry or resets.
did you enable EPOCH in the AHconfig? i do on my regular dayz and it let me spawns in stuff from the epoch mod :O
Yeah thats all set up correctly, but I'm creating a solo SQF file to use in the AH extended controls, Would like to open chat and type " BuildingKit1 " and Poof preloaded Locked ural would spawn for the donor or event winner
Did you add the fix for 'Killed a hacker' and set the variable properly in your server pbo?

Im not 100% on that... Going to check now.. Im assuming that would be casing the truck to instantly explode? But what would cause it to disappear when i dont even go near it
It will disappear after it's accessed or updated (20 meters I believe) (killing the player getting in it including god admins). Most addons like this use the SARGE variable to stop this, without a server pbo update it will remove the offending vehicle and kill the player. Personally tested tonight and it killed me even with god mode active using the prison map. Hehe I unlocked one of the vehicles and got in, instant death. A few minutes later the vehicle I entered disappeared (server cleanup).