Need help setting up Walking Zombies


New Member
Hosting with Vilayer, using Overpoch Napf. I'm trying to install walking zombies however I can't find my wild_zombieSpawn.sqf file and when I try to copy another and put it in it won't work. Any help?
Sadly no, I figured out that I was using the wrong dayz_code.pbo and corrected it, now using the correct one, however I still have running zombies.
Okay, I wiped my database and fresh installed Epoch Chernarus. In my compiles.sqf, the zombie section reads

    zombie_findTargetAgent =     compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\zombie_findTargetAgent.sqf";
    zombie_loiter =             compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\zombie_loiter.sqf";            //Server compile, used for loiter behaviour
    zombie_generate =             compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\vilayercodecustom\epoch.chernarus\dayz_code\compile\zombie_generate.sqf";            //Server compile, used for loiter behaviour
    wild_spawnZombies =         compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\vilayercodecustom\epoch.chernarus\dayz_code\compile\wild_spawnZombies.sqf";            //Server compile, used for loiter behaviour

I've double and triple checked and the sqf's required are located where I pathed them, however zombies still run.. A copy of my most recent report file is located at (5).RPT?dl=0
I was edited the pathing in the original compiles.sqf file in dayz_code. I made a "Fixes" folder (can be any name) and put it in my mission folder (epoch.chernarus), inside I put the three walking zombie files ( wild_spawnZombies, zombie_agent, zombie_generate) as well as a new compiles.sqf(went into original inside of dayz_code, copied all and pasted into new one), then went into my init.sqf and changed the path of compiles.sqf to my new one.
Anyway to speed up the walking alittle .. they mostly just stand there .. I made damage very high if u get close.. but u have to almost stand there to get them to take a swing .. ridiculous.. very small agro window .. like a foot