Need help with =BTC=_logistics..


New Member
(Wrong thread,Intended for scripting)
its too early for this..

I have bin poking around this code for a little bit after getting Logistics too work, iv discovered a few issues I need help with.

I got two problems.

One. (The one thats bugging me)
    _Veh          = _this select 0;
    _dropped      = _this select 1;
    _chute_type  = _this select 2;
    private ["_chute"];
    _dropped_type = typeOf _dropped;
    if (typeOf _Veh == "MH6J_EP1") then {_chute = createVehicle [_chute_type, [((position _Veh) select 0) - 5,((position _Veh) select 1) - 10,((position _Veh) select 2)- 4], [], 0, "NONE"];} else {_chute = createVehicle [_chute_type, [((position _Veh) select 0) - 5,((position _Veh) select 1) - 3,((position _Veh) select 2)- 4], [], 0, "NONE"];};
    _smoke        = "SmokeshellGreen" createVehicle position _Veh;
    _smoke attachto [_dropped,[0,0,0]];
    _dropped attachTo [_chute,[0,0,0]];
    while {getPos _chute select 2 > 2} do {sleep 1;};
    detach _dropped;
    if (_dropped_type isKindOf "ReammoBox") then {_dropped setPosATL [getpos _dropped select 0, getpos _dropped select 1, 0];};

This is the Paradrop code that i cant seem to get working, Iv tried multiple times to get it so when i drop the car/truck/cargo deploys the chute,
when dropped by "Air" etc...

Issue is it doesn't deploy even if i make the references to make sure it only deploys for "LandVehicle","Air","Static"
Have tryed "{_array = ["LandVehicle","Static","Air"];}" too no avail just to make sure..

In the dragging script im trying to limit what you can or cannot drag, but trying to get it to do what i want doesn't work :(

BTC_Draggable        = ["Garbage_container","etc",etc];

but it will only KINDA work when set to "Static" but are able to move buildings around.
=== i begin..and how would i go about it, im not the greatest coder but iv managed to edit a majority of it so far without breaking it.