Need Help with Chopper spawn/loot scripting


New Member
I'm having a tough time getting this to work on my server. Running an epoch server with I have changed my server.pbo/compiles/spawn_crashsite.sqf to reflect the changes all the tutorials say I should. I still get the regular vanilla loot to spawn.

private ["_position","_num","_config","_itemType","_weights","_index","_crashModel","_lootTable","_guaranteedLoot","_randomizedLoot","_frequency","_variance","_spawnChance","_spawnMarker","_spawnRadius","_spawnFire","_crashName","_nearby","_itemTypes","_cntWeights","_fadeFire"];

//_crashModel = _this select 0;
_lootTable = _this select 1;
_guaranteedLoot = _this select 0;
_randomizedLoot = _this select 1;
_frequency = _this select 2;
_variance = _this select 3;
_spawnChance = _this select 4;
_spawnMarker = _this select 5;
_spawnRadius = _this select 6;
_spawnFire = _this select 7;
_fadeFire = _this select 8;

diag_log("CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for Crash Spawner");

while {true} do {
// Allows the variance to act as +/- from the spawn frequency timer
_timeAdjust = round(random(_variance * 2) - _variance);
_timeToSpawn = time + _frequency + _timeAdjust;

//Adding some Random systems
_crashModel = ["UH60Wreck_DZ","UH1Wreck_DZ","Mass_grave_DZ"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

if(_crashModel == "Mass_grave_DZ") then {
_lootTable = "MassGrave";
} else {
//Crash loot - just uncomment the one you wish to use by default with 50cals is enabled.
//Table including 50 cals
//_lootTable = ["Military"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
//Table without 50 cals
_lootTable = ["Military","HeliCrash_No50s","MilitarySpecial"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_crashName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _crashModel >> "displayName");

diag_log(format["CRASHSPAWNER: %1%2 chance to spawn '%3' with loot table '%4' at %5", round(_spawnChance * 100), '%', _crashName, _lootTable, _timeToSpawn]);

// Apprehensive about using one giant long sleep here given server time variances over the life of the server daemon
while {time < _timeToSpawn} do {
sleep 5;

_spawnRoll = random 1;

// Percentage roll
if (_spawnRoll <= _spawnChance) then {

_position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

diag_log(format["CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning '%1' with loot table '%2' NOW! (%3) at: %4", _crashName, _lootTable, time, str(_position)]);

_crash = createVehicle [_crashModel,_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// Randomize the direction the wreck is facing
_crash setDir round(random 360);

// Using "custom" wrecks (using the destruction model of a vehicle vs. a prepared wreck model) will result
// in the model spawning halfway in the ground. To combat this, an OPTIONAL configuration can be tied to
// the CfgVehicles class you've created for the custom wreck to define how high above the ground it should
// spawn. This is optional.
_config = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _crashModel >> "heightAdjustment";
_hasAdjustment = isNumber(_config);
_newHeight = 0;
if (_hasAdjustment) then {
_newHeight = getNumber(_config);
//diag_log(format["DIAG: ADJUSTMENT FOUND FOR %1, IT IS: %2", _crashName, _newHeight]);

// Must setPos after a setDir otherwise the wreck won't level itself with the terrain
_adjustedPos = [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), _newHeight];
//diag_log(format["DIAG: Designated Position: %1", str(_adjustedPos)]);
_crash setPos _adjustedPos;

// I don't think this is needed (you can't get "in" a crash), but it was in the original DayZ Crash logic
dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_crash];

_crash setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true];

// Disable simulation server side
_crash enableSimulation false;

_num = round(random4) + 4;

if(_crashModel == "Mass_grave_DZ") then {
_spawnFire = false;
_num = _num * 2;

if (_spawnFire) then {
//["dayzFire",[_crash,2,time,false,_fadeFire]] call broadcastRpcCallAll;
dayzFire = [_crash,2,time,false,_fadeFire];
publicVariable "dayzFire";
_crash setvariable ["fadeFire",_fadeFire,true];

_num = round(random 4) + 4;
_config = configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> _lootTable;
_itemTypes = [["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper", "weapon"], ["M14_EP1","weapon"], ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4","weapon"], ["Mk_48_DZ","weapon"], ["M249_DZ","weapon"], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS","weapon"], ["DMR","weapon"], ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO", "weapon"], ["G36_C_SD_camo","weapon"], ["", "military"], ["MedBox0", "object"], ["NVGoggles", "weapon"], ["AmmoBoxSmall_556", "object"], ["AmmoBoxSmall_762", "object"], ["Skin_Camo1_DZ", "magazine"], ["Skin_Soldier1_DZ", "magazine"], ["Skin_Sniper1_DZ", "magazine"], ["SVD_CAMO","weapon"], ["M24","weapon"], ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo","weapon"], ["Sa58V_CCO_EP1","weapon"], ["Sa58V_RCO_EP1","weapon"], ["M4SPR","weapon"], ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_TWS","weapon"], ["M110_NVG_EP1","weapons"]];
_itemChance = [0.06, 0.05, 0.06, 0.03, 0.05, 0.05, 0.04, 0.01, 0.04, 0.02, 0.02, 0.9, 0.09, 0.01, 0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.01, 0.05, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.05, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04, 0.05];
_weights = [];
_weights = [_itemType,_itemChance] call fnc_buildWeightedArray;
_cntWeights = count _weights;
_index = _weights call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

for "_x" from 1 to _num do {
//create loot
_index = floor(random _cntWeights);
_index = _weights select _index;
_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
[_itemType select 0, _itemType select 1, _position, 5] call spawn_loot;

diag_log(format["CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '%1' with loot table '%2'", _crashName, _lootTable]);

// ReammoBox is preferred parent class here, as WeaponHolder wouldn't match MedBox0 and other such items.
_nearby = _position nearObjects ["ReammoBox", sizeOf(_crashModel)];
_x setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
} forEach _nearBy;


To change the frequency of chopper spawns I made changes to server.pbo/system/server_monitor.sqf. Again I made changes according to posts I have found but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.....Over a 3 hour period I get from 1-3 spawns...and sometimes none.

// [_guaranteedLoot, _randomizedLoot, _frequency, _variance, _spawnChance, _spawnMarker, _spawnRadius, _spawnFire, _fadeFire]
if(OldHeliCrash) then {
nul = [5, 4, (15 * 60), (5 * 60), 1, 'center', HeliCrashArea, true, false] spawn server_spawnCrashSite;

// Epoch Events
nul = [] spawn server_spawnEvents;

allowConnection = true;
sm_done = true;

Thanks to anyone who can help me get this straight....I have been working on it for two weeks and have just run out of ideas on how to fix it.