need little help with ai helis


New Member
hi could you help me with the ai calling in backup i cant seemt o get it to work i think i have dose it correct sorry im new to this any help would be awesome

//Probability to send first available AI helicopter to reinforce dynamic AI group. No effect if DZAI_maxHeliPatrols is set to zero. (Default: 0.50)
DZAI_heliReinforceChance = 0.50;

can this go any higher please ?

ps i cant seem to get the ai in cars to work to :'(
Here is what I have:

//Global maximum number of active AI air vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).
DZAI_maxHeliPatrols = 3;

//Probability to send first available AI helicopter to reinforce dynamic AI group. No effect if DZAI_maxHeliPatrols is set to zero. (Default: 0.50)
DZAI_heliReinforceChance = 0.99;

*And to get the cars working:

DZAI_maxLandPatrols = 100;