New grenade & gas mask & tear gas script


Well-Known Member
hi, need help, i create new grenade (gas) change in tear gas script to my grenade, create gas mask (with hud) now need change script to disable if i have gas mask, i try with varible
have_protivogaz = false;
execvm my gas mask loop script
execvm tear gas script
my gas mask loop script:
if have mask
have_protivogaz = true;
if don't have mask
have_protivogaz = false;
tear gas script:
i don't think how i can write, i need
if (have_protivogaz) then {
} else {
//script tear gas
but, not work... i think need loop to...
possibly your loop is working and its the tear gas script that fails.
test that the loop works with this

if (have_protivogaz) then {
hintsilent "have_protivogaz is true";
} else {
hintsilent "have_protivogaz is false";
//script tear gas