New Server Admin in need of a little help


New Member
Hey everyone! I've been busy working on my new server and I'm currently stumped on a few things I want to add. If anyone can point me to a good tutorial for any of these, or explain them to me, I would greatly appreciate it. I currently have an HFB server and am running a private Taviana Hive.

- My server currently starts with a gender selection screen, how can I skip this and just force everyone to be a male? The selection screen messes with my custom loadouts. I have looked into it and read that just changing the default inventory fixes this, but I've changed my inventory under the 'instance' tab in the database with no success. Is there an option in some server config?
-I have heard of servers having a shortened day and night cycle, something like 8 hours of day and 2 hours of night, but I have not found a tutorial on how to do this. I have heard of setting it summer, but is there a better way to do this?
-Is there an easier way to spawn vehicles than manually entering them into the database? I am an ex-DayzST customer and I loved their live map tool.
(Another solution to my problem: I have a .sql backup of my world_vehicle from my old ST server, can I import this or would the vehicle ID's be different? If not, how can I import this file into the table without getting a 'duplicate key' error?)

Thank you for your time and help!