New server owner / Need info about Vehicles


New Member
Hi guys! I'm new here hope to be a part of this cool community

I've just recently got a Private Plus server with and i noticed we disnt have any vehicles.

We changed the max # of vehicles to 250, and then ran the vehicle spawn script. We had an overabundance of cars at this point, including 8 Hueys' per airfield. It was too much. I then shut off the server, cleared the vehicles, changed the number to 100 and spawned a new set of vehicles.

I went to check a few of my fav vehicle spawns including the SUV, and something odd had happened:

We found dozens upon dozens upon dozens ( stopped counting after 28 ) of stupid ATV's all accross the map. I think the server may have spawned 100 vehicles but most of them are ATV's.

My question:

Can I manually delete most of these ATV's and manually ( or hell even randomly ) spawn more different kinds of vehicles

Thanks gang!
assuming you are running a dedicated server and or know how to access your database, they are located in the instance_vehicles table. Delete the rows from there and you can spawn more.

Instance_Vehicle.World_Vehicle_ID -> World_Vehicle.ID, World_Vehicle.Vehicle_ID -> Vehicle.ID

this is how you will need to join the records in order to see what Instance_Vehicle row relates to what vehicle.
Thanks dude! So i just delete a row make sure it is in the proper World ID, and i can change the Vehicle ID to the # of the vehicle i want ( example 33 = land rover ) ?
Thanks dude! So i just delete a row make sure it is in the proper World ID, and i can change the Vehicle ID to the # of the vehicle i want ( example 33 = land rover ) ?

if you're saying you want to replace all Urals with land rovers, you could just change the vehicle class name in the vehicles table for Ural to LandRover or whatever the classname is.

If you want to add new vehicles, you have to add the vehicle type to the vehicles table. Then you add the vehicle spawn to the world_vehicle table.

Vehicle Tables Explanation:
Instance_vehicle - currently spawned in vehicles organized by instance
World_Vehicle - Vehicle spawn info the spawn utility uses to insert info in to the Instance_Vehicle table
Vehicle - Vehicle information table. Contains class name of vehicle plus other vehicle specific settings