new to scripting..pls alittle help or advice

Joseph Kinary

New Member
i have recently set up an epoch server and understand the basic concepts of scripts and coding (i have already heavily modified the vehicle spawn list and trader menu items) but acctually getting scripts to function w/o nuking other features has eluded me ( got SBB to work but nuked the trader menus, so i removed it/ tow lift worked but only for admins/ had a friend fix it and he never gave me an explaination on how he did it). I know you guys here deal with noob questions all the time but i just need a learnered scriptor to give afew pointers/advice because i would like to set up STATIC not Dynamic Ai on my server only in select locations and am abit concerned since there are 2 dif AI i could use and have seen it impact server stability on others