New to This need Help [Server Scripting]

Hi im new to this Server Scripting and i was wondering if anyone can tell me how to work out how to setup server scripts for my new private hive server
im using hfb servers so finding mission is abit of a nightmare plus im unsure what programs to use to safely open the pbo files and edit/add files or folders

thanks for your time
I dont know much about how HFB servers are run, but if its TCadmin go to file manager then look for MPmissions. Use Pboview wich comes with BI tools on Armaholic to unpbo things, plus those tools have many other things you need. I also suggest you read some of the stickies in the Scripting Discussions, those will have 90% of the answers you are looking for.
:O what's this? A thread dedicated to how to script... No I never... (Click the link in my signature)
thats ok i have seen the link the issue i was struggling to get was unpacking and packing pbo with the right program now i gotta figure when my server restarts it resets all cars/vehicles back to there spawn spot not sure if this is caused by a failure in a setting somewhere or if its the dayz patch 1.7.7