NEW | UK365 | Epoch Chernarus | IP: Port: 2360


New Member
IP: Port: 2360

NEW | UK365 | Epoch Chernarus | 24/7 Days|Self BloodBag|Refueling|Bandit AI|500+ Vehicles|Build Snapping|Unique Features|Safe Trade Areas|Heli Lift | DayZEpoch Chernarus- Private Hive- ( by

Launches 9am UK time 10/05/2014

Server Difficulty: Raised Difficulty for a more intense experience, survival of the fittest. Increased prices etc.

Starting Gear: Side Arm + Ammo. Basic Backpack. Map. x3 Bandages

Server Videos Prior to Launch Date.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

NEW Dayz Epoch server launched.

We are two mature admins who run a fair (no admin abuse) server for serious dayz epoch players. There are no custom loadouts, and no need to donate.

We are self-funding this server to provide a players a service without corruption as we know most admins abuse their powers, and in turn completely ruin the game!

To play DayZ Mob Epoch follow the instructions below:

1: on Steam buy Arma 2 Combined operations.

2: download each of the Arma games, install them and run them. Exit when you reach their main menu screen.

3: on Steam download DayZ Mod for free and install it.

4: download DayZ Commander from google search or Steam. Install it and make sure you are running the latest version by clicking 'Install/Updates'

5: Install 'DayZ Epoch' on DayZ Commander 'Install/Updates'.

6: in DayZ Commander go to Favorites and enter my IP and port number and hit the 'add favorite' button.or simply search for 'UK 365' in the filter.

7: Enjoy!