No running zombies and more of them.


New Member
Hi all.
I wanted to disable running for zombies, or slow down thier run speed. And increase amount of them.
Please guys tell me what i need to edit in dayz_code
Hello, you can edit the amount of zeds per Building. For this you need to edit the building_spawnZombies.sqf.
Look around Line 28 where it says:
//Walking Zombies
_num = (round(random _max)) max _min;

for example you can edit this to:

//Walking Zombies
_num = 10 + round(random 10);

Now you will spawn min 10 Zeds + Random 1-10 per lootable Building.

For slow walking Zeds you need to edit the zombie_agent.fsm. But maybe you need to edit some more files because there were some threats where player reporting some issue that Zeds are not attacking players. For slow walking Zeds you can do it this way:

in zombie_agent.fsm look around line 152

"" \n
"if (count _this > 2) then {" \n
" _secondHand = true;" \n
edit it that it looks like this:

"" \n
"_walkSpeed = (random 1) max 1;" \n
"" \n

"if (count _this > 2) then {" \n

now you need to edit line 210, 293, 300 and 475 where the script says:

_agent forceSpeed blabla number ;" \n


_agent forceSpeed _walkSpeed;" \n

Hope i could help.

Note: This is for Epoch