Nosidechat isn' t kicking players for talking in side chat?

Hey everyone! I have my nosidechat installed to keep players from talking in side chat. For some reason it doesn't seem to be working. Can anyone tell me what i did wrong?

Here is my nosidechat.sqf :

[] spawn {
DS_really_loud_sounds = {[60,15] call fnc_usec_pitchWhine;for "_i" from 1 to 15 do {playSound format ["%1",_this select 0];};};
DS_double_cut = {1 cutText [format ["%1",_this select 0],"PLAIN DOWN"];2 cutText [format ["%1",_this select 0],"PLAIN"];};
DS_slap_them = {_randomnr = [2,-1] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;(vehicle player) SetVelocity [_randomnr * random (4) * cos getdir (vehicle player), _randomnr * random (4) * cos getdir (vehicle player), random (4)];};
while {true} do {
waitUntil {sleep 1;((!isNull findDisplay 63) && (!isNull findDisplay 55))};
if (ctrlText ((findDisplay 55) displayCtrl 101) == "\ca\ui\textures\mikrak.paa") then {
if (ctrlText ((findDisplay 63) displayCtrl 101) == localize "STR_SIDE_CHANNEL") then {
[] spawn {
if (isNil "reset_timer") then {
reset_timer = true;
sleep 90;
disconnect_me = nil;
warn_one = nil;
warn_last = nil;
reset_timer = nil;
if (isNil "disconnect_me") then {disconnect_me = 0;} else {disconnect_me = disconnect_me + 1;};
if (disconnect_me == 0) then {
if (isNil "warn_one") then {
warn_one = true;
systemChat ("Please do not use voice on sidechat, this is your first and final warning.");
[] spawn DS_slap_them;
["beat04"] spawn DS_really_loud_sounds;
["NO VOICE ON SIDE"] spawn DS_double_cut;
if (disconnect_me >= 3) then {
if (isNil "warn_last") then {
warn_last = true;
playMusic ["PitchWhine",0];
[] spawn DS_slap_them;
["beat04"] spawn DS_really_loud_sounds;
["We warned you..."] spawn DS_double_cut;
sleep 0.5;
1 fademusic 10;
1 fadesound 10;
endMission "LOSER";
sleep 1;