[NPC/AI] Has there anything been changed in


New Member
Hello fellas,

I've been trying to get my AI scripts working for the last 10 hours yesterday... It's weird because when I was working with my mod on basis of 1.7.4.x it all worked just fine.

I was always working with this one: http://opendayz.net/threads/simple-ai-tutorial-no-rmod-or-dayz_factions.12570/

When I debugged a bit I noticed that my groups are getting deleted because there are no units in it... Well I was trying and trying but I couldn't get it working. I assume that something blocks units on EAST side from spawning. Anyone knows something about this?

I'm not that new to coding with DayZ and I nearly tried everything like disabling the bans from dayz_anim, disabling the server cleanup etc.

I'd really appreciate if anyone could help me out here :)
