Only want bandits--get soldiers too...

Hey guys,

Hoping someone will be able to help me with a quick question regarding Sarge AI.

I just reinstalled it after a few months of not having it and it definitely works and spawns in AI, but I have made some serious restrictions in the SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf file regarding who to spawn, how often, and how many, and it doesn't seem to be working quite as I had envisioned.

Because AI has gotten a relatively negative response on my server (probably partially because I had them spawning everywhere in huge numbers) I removed them for awhile, but recently I decided to bring them back in but this time make them rare to run into, and so that they are carrying good gear for those that encounter them and want to kill them:

I have each spawn point indicated in the above mentioned file to spawn 1 Bandit group, 10% chance of showing, no more than 1 (or 2 if it happens to include a leader AI), but the problem is, I NEVER see bandits, just groups of 2-3 soldiers that count as murders when you kill them... Am I missing something here? They hardly spawn so I know the 10% chance is working, but why are they soldiers and why in groups of 3 when I clearly set restrictions for less?

This is what all of my lines for spawns look like at each respective point:
_check = [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[1,0,0],[10,0,0],[1,0,0]],"SAR_area_0_0"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, hope it is a quick solution!

Thanks guys
Without seeing your mission file, I am just guessing.

If you dont have a line for each sar_area_#_# then it will use the default values from your sar_config.sqf

// maximum number of groups / grid
SAR_max_grps_bandits = 1;
SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 1;
SAR_max_grps_survivors = 1;

// chance for a group to spawn (1-100)
SAR_chance_bandits = 75;
SAR_chance_soldiers = 30;
SAR_chance_survivors = 50;

// maximum size of group (including Leader)
SAR_max_grpsize_bandits = 4;
SAR_max_grpsize_soldiers = 5;
SAR_max_grpsize_survivors = 4;

Or you have static spawns also farther down on the page maybe?
I actually have the SAR_Config to reflect the same values. Could it be this line being set to true?:

// -----------------------------------------------
// enable or disable dynamic grid spawning
// -----------------------------------------------
SAR_dynamic_spawning = true;

Also, the only static spawns I have are heli patrols, and I commented out the types of helis used in order to stop them from coming in.