Players don't really die?


Tonight I was playing and suddenly died while crawling under a fence. I hadn't heard any gunshots so thought maybe the fence had killed me. There were no PHIT or PKILL log messages (I use killmsgs pkg). When I re-spawned I was right next to my dead body and still had all my gear. It turns out someone had shot me in the head, because he did so 2 more times. ;) Each time I died I would re-spawn next to my dead body with all my gear. Talking to some players this had also happened to them yesterday. They thought they were dealing with hackers because the players they killed would spawn back in by their dead body.

Checking through my logs I don't have any PHIT or PKILL messages since the new hive update. Is anyone else seeing this? I did some searching and didn't find anything here or on the DayZMod GitHub.
Tonight I was playing and suddenly died while crawling under a fence. I hadn't heard any gunshots so thought maybe the fence had killed me. There were no PHIT or PKILL log messages (I use killmsgs pkg). When I re-spawned I was right next to my dead body and still had all my gear. It turns out someone had shot me in the head, because he did so 2 more times. ;) Each time I died I would re-spawn next to my dead body with all my gear. Talking to some players this had also happened to them yesterday. They thought they were dealing with hackers because the players they killed would spawn back in by their dead body.

Checking through my logs I don't have any PHIT or PKILL messages since the new hive update. Is anyone else seeing this? I did some searching and didn't find anything here or on the DayZMod GitHub.

Does your player ID have any letters in it?
This is my character in survivor table after dying in game. I can login and die over and over and over and over.... but never die in the database so I just respawn as is next to my dead body.

*************************** 1. row ***************************
            id: 1865
    unique_id: 25723974
      world_id: 1
    worldspace: [231,[8025.79,3352.06,0.001]]
    inventory: [["ItemFlashlight"],["ItemPainkiller","ItemBandage"]]
      backpack: ["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]]
      medical: [false,false,false,true,true,false,true,3854.93,["aimpoint","neck"],[0.386,0],0,[107.67,116.423]]
      is_dead: 0
        model: Survivor2_DZ
        state: ["","aidlpercmstpsnonwnondnon_player_idlesteady04",40]
survivor_kills: 0
  bandit_kills: 0
  zombie_kills: 0
    headshots: 0
      last_ate: 0
    last_drank: 0
survival_time: 4
  last_updated: 2013-02-11 16:55:37
    start_time: 2013-02-11 16:42:26
  DistanceFoot: 71546
OK, I found the issue. This is related to a couple edits I did to pkg/killmsgs/compile/server_playerDied.sqf. When I turned off global death message I broke player death. Derp.