Plot4Life 2.5, Snap Pro, Build Vectors, Plot Manager issues...

I have an issue and really need some help fixing the problem with either plot4life 2.5 or plot manager Im unsure what one is causing the problems.

Basically a friend places a plotpole and add me as a friend on there, after that it said I needed to be within 30m of a plot pole... i looked in the .RPT and seen a problem so i fixed that and now it no longer tell me i need to be within 30m but what it does do is when I right click a buildable and select to build it nothing happens... then i try again and it says im already building but im not holding anything or its gone invisible...

Really really need some help been trying to get this working for 3 days non stop...

Plot4Life 2.5
Snap Pro
Build Vectors
Plot Management (2.1 I think)

.RPT does not seem to be showing any errors from what I can see.