Question about scripts.log


New Member

We are having some issues with the battleye scripts.log getting large very fast, and getting written to all the time. We are suspecting this to reduce server performance. There is different script numbers that gets detected, but some are very frequent; #0, #23, #32, #120, #124, #127, #130, #168 and #202.

We believe that some of these might be due to custom scripts server side, like refuel, streetlights, dynamic weather, HALO jump and custom loot tables. May this be?

If this is the case, is it possible to prevent these to be written to the log?

I will post some of the log below.

03.06.2013 00:32:38: hak ( 4ce32a0e7a53ab74b7469a5f038d546d - #130 "lor[1, 0.5, 0.4];
_li lightAttachObject [_v, [0,0,0]];
if (isserver) then
_snd = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", getpos _v,"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Apekatten ( e833c2cc5fea4189453b0f95da9c0710 - #0 "_vehicle = _currentVehicle;
_vehicle_refuel_id = _vehicle addAction ["Refuel", "Scripts\kh_vehicle_refuel.sqf", [_amount], -1, "
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Apekatten ( e833c2cc5fea4189453b0f95da9c0710 - #32 "LampReturn=[];
axeLampObjects = [_x,_y,player];
publicVariable "axeLampObjects";
waitUntil {count axeLampReturn > 0};
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Apekatten ( e833c2cc5fea4189453b0f95da9c0710 - #120 " < (_mapSW select 1) + (_cellHeight * (_y+1)))then{
if(call Compile format ["%1%2",_x,_y] in _plCellsLitVar)then{
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Apekatten ( e833c2cc5fea4189453b0f95da9c0710 - #124 "Brightness 0.04;
_lp setLightAmbient [1, 0.88, 0.73];
_lp setVectorUp [0,0,-1];
player reveal _lp;
sleep 0.2;
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Krapnek ( b2f6adc476ef4b9753cd1b1e3b736e01 - #34 "yz_characterID, _lastpos, _curPos, getPosATL player];
publicVariableServer "atp";
} else {
_lastpos = _curpos;
_lastheight = _c"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Krapnek ( b2f6adc476ef4b9753cd1b1e3b736e01 - #202 "ht) && ((_curheight - _terrainHeight) > 1))) then {
(vehicle player) setpos _lastpos;
atp = [name player, dayz_characterID, _las"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Jinexo ( ccf5bd31ce38a166285ac9e779f5e3b9 - #34 "yz_characterID, _lastpos, _curPos, getPosATL player];
publicVariableServer "atp";
} else {
_lastpos = _curpos;
_lastheight = _c"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Jinexo ( ccf5bd31ce38a166285ac9e779f5e3b9 - #202 "ht) && ((_curheight - _terrainHeight) > 1))) then {
(vehicle player) setpos _lastpos;
atp = [name player, dayz_characterID, _las"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Krapnek ( b2f6adc476ef4b9753cd1b1e3b736e01 - #14 "l "Loot120";
deleteMarkerLocal "Agro80";
_markerstr = createMarkerLocal ["MaxZeds", _position];
_markerstr setMarkerColorLocal "
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Fella ( bbf473f344ec9051b7cb054f13fbbf41 - #23 "ent wrong! disconnect and try again!", "PLAIN"];
player enableSimulation false;
} else { diag_log "DEBUG: loadscreen guard ended"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Krapnek ( b2f6adc476ef4b9753cd1b1e3b736e01 - #130 "gazines,false];
publicVariableServer "dayzPlayerSave";
if (isServer) then {
dayzPlayerSave call server_playerSync;
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Fella ( bbf473f344ec9051b7cb054f13fbbf41 - #127 "ctsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara";
sleep 0.3;
player setVelocity [(velocity player select 0) + 1.5 * sin direction player, "
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Fella ( bbf473f344ec9051b7cb054f13fbbf41 - #130 "haracter getVariable["messing",[0,0]]
if (isServer) then {
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\d"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Fella ( bbf473f344ec9051b7cb054f13fbbf41 - #168 "player, rSWITCHMOVE, "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara"] call RE;
} else {
player switchMove "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlop"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Krapnek ( b2f6adc476ef4b9753cd1b1e3b736e01 - #23 "ent wrong! disconnect and try again!", "PLAIN"];
player enableSimulation false;
} else { diag_log "DEBUG: loadscreen guard ended"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Krapnek ( b2f6adc476ef4b9753cd1b1e3b736e01 - #127 "ctsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara";
sleep 0.3;
player setVelocity [(velocity player select 0) + 1.5 * sin direction player, "
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Krapnek ( b2f6adc476ef4b9753cd1b1e3b736e01 - #130 "haracter getVariable["messing",[0,0]]
if (isServer) then {
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\d"
03.06.2013 00:32:38: Krapnek ( b2f6adc476ef4b9753cd1b1e3b736e01 - #168 "player, rSWITCHMOVE, "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara"] call RE;
} else {
player switchMove "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlop"
03.06.2013 00:32:39: Fella ( bbf473f344ec9051b7cb054f13fbbf41 - #130 "gazines,false];
publicVariableServer "dayzPlayerSave";
if (isServer) then {
dayzPlayerSave call server_playerSync;
03.06.2013 00:32:39: hak ( 4ce32a0e7a53ab74b7469a5f038d546d - #130 "timeUntilCompletion setFog _targetWeatherValue;
Thanks guys, but this doesnt really solve my problem. The problem isn't people getting kicked, it's that hundred different restrictions getting logged every minute, making the scripts.log extremely big. I've got some exceptions for the refuel script etc, but it's still getting logged.
Well, you can either adjust the filters so it doesn't get logged or clear the scripts.txt. I don't know any other way.