Questions on lowering zombie numbers and zombie_generate.sqf


OpenDayZ Rockstar!
Ive recently customized my loot tables for my server and following the instructions Ive added the zombie_generate.sqf to my server. However, the instructions seem to skip over the calling and editing of this file. Other than making an assumption based on the name, I have no idea what this file does. My goal is to lower the zombie spawns on my server because personally I feel they are just out of control on the current version of dayz ( I think this will make game play more fun and also reduce stress on my server. So how do I go about doing this? How do I edit the zombie_generate.sqf because I don't really understand the code? Ive already lowered the min and max zombies per building in the CfgBuildingLoot.hpp but that doesn't really seem to do much especially when you start shooting. Thanks for any help in advance!
You should edit rather the variables.sqf than this one. Search for something like: maxglobalzeds =ANYNUMBER(Could be: 25 );

Hope that help you.