Read hiveext.log


New Member
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get better picture of everything that happens in the hiveext.log and most of the time it'S quite simple, but I have quite some problems to understand the "methods". Which number is what?

So if I have something like that in my hiveext.log (epoch mod):
2014-05-06 21:14:57 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 306 Params: 10682:[[glass1,0.616],[glass2,0.445],[glass3,0.362],[motor,0.461],[palivo,0.405],[wheel_1_1_steering,0.661],[wheel_1_2_steering,0.494],[wheel_2_1_steering,0.48],[wheel_2_2_steering,0.445],[sklo predni P,0.375],[sklo predni L,0.629],[karoserie,0.826],[wheel_1_4_steering,0.545],[wheel_2_4_steering,0.777],[wheel_1_3_steering,0.487],[wheel_2_3_steering,0.382],[glass4,0.673]]:0:
2014-05-06 21:14:57 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS"]
I know thats about a vehicle and I know that reading or writing in the database. Probably writing since "pass" is the result. But what is triggering it? I guess it's because someone added an item or damage values changed. How do I know what happend? I'm pretty sure "Method: 306" is the answer, but how should I know for what 306 stands.

Can anyone help me with a translation for these methods. Would be a big help!
It is updating the damage vehicles, on which Params means it has 10682 Params which is way to big. It's propably updating every single vehicle on every single Instance. Might wanna check for errors to.
Not sure to be honest. Wasn't there an "a" version of the serverfiles. I think, I dont have that one, but yeah, should be at least at
aah ^^ well there's no difference in the hive of the servers, but i pre-cached those lines and only reading them on updates. Not sure how or where i did it lol but you'll have to create a new table in mysql including the cache and the time last cached. also update the other tables with the version so the script actually knows when to update. Reduced Server Loading a lot.