Reality (1.7.5) Look key hoses fps?


I stood up a test server for 1.7.5 using devel branch and it all seems to be working. One thing that is really weird is any time I am holding down either Alt key (bound to Look) my fps goes from 50+ to 10 and I can't move the view around. Releasing the key returns fps to normal. If I double tap Alt to go to free look mode it works normally. The freeze only happens while holding Alt. I also noticed that pressing Alt brings up the weapon info in upper right (like pressing F key when info is not there). Any clue what I did wrong here?

Here is how I built things:
Reality build (
perl --instance 2 --world chernarus --rcon XXXXXXX
perl --name dayz2 --host --pass XXXXXX
mysql dayz2 -e 'update instance set id = 2 where id = 1'

Built PBOs (
note: I copied util/* from DayZ-Private codebase
mkdir -p deploy
wine util/cpbo.exe -y -p SQF/dayz_anim deploy/dayz_anim.pbo
wine util/cpbo.exe -y -p SQF/dayz_code deploy/dayz_code.pbo
wine util/cpbo.exe -y -p SQF/dayz_sfx deploy/dayz_sfx.pbo

Reality server files were deployed just like I deploy my existing Bliss servers. I merged the PBOs above with existing @DayZ files into @DayZ-1.7.5 and have that on both server and client.

Here is my cmdline for launchnig the server:
"Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=23902 "-config=dayz_2.chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=dayz_2.chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=dayz_2.chernarus" -name=Bliss "[email protected];@bliss_2.chernarus;" -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=1 -exThreads=1 -maxMem=2047 -noCB