[Release] pick spawn and loadout

Trying to figure out a way to prevent the scroll menu from going away until a user selects a spawn. Any ideas?

I haven't tested every way to make the menu go away but if you right click poof it's gone lol
Thanks for the script ebay! You are awesome. Is there an easy way to spawn ALL new players in a specific area (protected of course), then allow them to select their spawn location? Instead of spawning them somewhere randomly THEN popping up for the spawn selection menu.

Of course I would have to make this place out in the middle of no where, god mode, and maybe even "hidden" players. Can this be done?

Im also having an issue with the "multiple donator base spawns".. Here is what I have:

pathtonewspawn = "newspawn\locations\";
EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+pathtonewspawn+'%1"';

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["55555554","555555555"]) then { //Garage 1
   newspawn =
     ["Select Spawn Point", [2], "#USER:Donator", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
     ["Spawn at Base", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"garage1.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
     ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
     ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

if (isNil "newspawn") then { //Non Donor Spawn Menu
   newspawn =
     ["Select Spawn Point", [2], "#USER:Peasant", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
     ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
     ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

Donator =
        ["Donor Base", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"donor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Balota", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"balota.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Berezino", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"berezino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Cherno", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"cherno.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Elektro", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"elektro.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Kamenka", [7], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamenka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Gorka", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"gorka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Grishino", [9], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"grishino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Kabanino", [10], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kabanino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
            ["Next page", [12], "#USER:Page4", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
            ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

Peasant =
        ["Balota", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"balota.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Berezino", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"berezino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Cherno", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"cherno.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Elektro", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"elektro.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Kamenka", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamenka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Gorka", [7], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"gorka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Grishino", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"grishino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Kabanino", [9], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kabanino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
            ["Next page", [12], "#USER:Page4", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
            ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

Page4 =
        ["Kamyshovo", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamyshovo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Komarovo", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"komarovo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Krasnostav", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"krasnostav.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Pogorevka", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"pogorevka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Prigor", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"prigor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Pusta", [7], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"pusta.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Solnichniy", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"solnichniy.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["Vybor", [9], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"vybor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
            ["Previous Page", [12], "", -4, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
            ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

showCommandingMenu "#USER:newspawn";

private ["_incombat","_timeout","_ebayrandomspawn"];
_timeout = player getVariable["combattimeout", 0];
_inCombat = if (_timeout >= diag_tickTime) then { true } else { false };

if (_inCombat) then {
titleText ["You can't select a spawn point while in combat.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 5;
titleFadeOut 1;
} else {
titleText ["Donor Perk > Spawning at your donor base!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
player setPosATL [3306.6426, 14265.894, -0.0042537041];
player setVariable['AHworldspace',[3306.6426, 14265.894, -0.0042537041]],true];
showCommandingMenu '';
sleep 2;
titleText ["Donor Perk > Spawned!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 2;
titleFadeOut 1;


Both menu items show up.. "Select Spawn Point" and "Spawn at Base". But when I click on "Spawn at Base" the menu disappears and nothing happens. I look at the RPT log and see nothing. Any ideas? Am I missing something?

Thanks again!
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I didn't want to quote your post because it's huge but thank you.

I haven't had time to finish this idea I'm working on but I'm sure it will be useful. I'm using the normal GUI spawn select for my normal users... while people who have donated will spawn by default in a protected area then select spawn using your script. I'm still in the testing phase but so far it's working great. I just have bigger problems to deal with before I have time to finish it.
@ebay Yes garage1.sqf is in the correct directory. This is the code that I originally received from infiSTAR regarding the AH allowing custom spawn selection menus:

player setVariable['AHworldspace',[3306.6426, 14265.894, -0.0042537041]],true];

Do you think the setDir not being in there would make it not work at all? Its weird because when a player clicks the "Spawn at Base" option it does absolutely nothing except make the menu disappear.

EDIT: I found what you were talking about and I did miss the player Direction part.. Here is what I have now. I will be testing this tonight. Thanks again!!

setVariable['AHworldspace',[0,[3306.6426, 14265.894, -0.0042537041]],true];
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Having issues with the latest version of Infistar, worked fine prior to updating It. Where Is the Teleport distance defined? :eek:
I have this working on Epoch Chern Dayz.st.

I was wondering can I change the class names in classes main?. I wanted to do class options like fisherman, tradesman, mechanic and stuff like that. Sorry if this is a noob question.. Im new at this stuff and didn't want to just give it a try with out confirmation first.

Thanks much for this script to it is one of my favorites and has worked for me without a hitch.
I edited my newspawn_main.sqf

And no scroll meu shows up now. It did before.
I use AH and added #USER:Admin to whitelist. But still nothing works. It says choose spawn from scroll menu. But no scroll menu appears
This is my newspawn_main.sqf
pathtonewspawn = "newspawn\locations\";
EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+pathtonewspawn+'%1"';
if (isNil "newspawnSelect") then {newspawnSelect = 0;};
if (newspawnSelect == 0) then {newspawnSelect = 1;} else {newspawnSelect = 0;};

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["148680454","163407302","231720134","74271814"]) then { // Owners and admins
    newspawn =
        ["Select Spawn Point", [2], "#USER:Admin", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
        ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
    ];showCommandingMenu "#USER:classes";};
if ((getPlayerUID player) in [""]) then { // Base Owners
    newspawn =
        ["Select Spawn Point", [2], "#USER:Base", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
        ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
} else {
    newspawn =
        ["Select Spawn Point", [2], "#USER:Peasant", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
        ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

Admin = // Admins and owners
    ["Admin Base", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"adminbase.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Balota", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"balota.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Berezino", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"berezino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Cherno", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"cherno.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Elektro", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"elektro.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Kamenka", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamenka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Kamyshovo", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamyshovo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Komarovo", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"komarovo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Prigor", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"prigor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Solnichniy", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"solnichniy.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    ["Special Spawns", [12], "#USER:Page4", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
    ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

Base = // Super Base 1
    ["Donor Base", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"donor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Balota", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"balota.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Berezino", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"berezino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Cherno", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"cherno.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Elektro", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"elektro.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Kamenka", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamenka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Kamyshovo", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamyshovo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Komarovo", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"komarovo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Prigor", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"prigor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Solnichniy", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"solnichniy.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    //["Special Donor Spawns", [12], "#USER:Page4", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
    ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

Peasant = // Normal People
    ["Balota", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"balota.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Berezino", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"berezino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Cherno", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"cherno.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Elektro", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"elektro.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Kamenka", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamenka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Kamyshovo", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kamyshovo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Komarovo", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"komarovo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Prigor", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"prigor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Solnichniy", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"solnichniy.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    //["Next page", [12], "#USER:Page4", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
    ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

Page4 = // North Spawn Locations
    ["Gorka", [7], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"gorka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Grishino", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"grishino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Kabanino", [9], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"kabanino.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Krasnostav", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"krasnostav.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Pogorevka", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"pogorevka.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Prigor", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"prigor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Pusta", [7], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"pusta.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Solnichniy", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"solnichniy.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["Vybor", [9], "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"vybor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
    ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    ["Coast Spawns", [12], "", -4, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
    ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

while {newspawnSelect == 1} do {showCommandingMenu "#USER:newspawn";sleep 4;};
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Hey I am using only the Spawning part of this guide and everything seems to be working fine, but i have paraspawn enabled and was just wondering how i could have it so you can choose spawn location and when it tp's you stay in the parachute?
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Hey ebay I'd like to get your input, on my server I am using your script to select spawn, in every location.sqf file at the end I am calling the Halo Jump script from here, http://opendayz.net/threads/halo-jump-on-spawn-tutorial.9344/, now while newspawn works perfectly how I have it set up I am having some issues. Sometimes people who log out normally in their base will log back in on the coast, sometimes with their inventory gone I was wondering if you had any thought on this.

I am running DayZ Epoch on Vilayer hosting.
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Ok so it was working, but now for some reason it kicks the player out of the parachute and you just fall to ur death once you have spawned after selecting.
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