Removing buildings


New Member
hi guys, iv spent alot of time trying to work this out of my own and learned alot from reading topics,

i want to remove roadblocks in dayz and i want to remove some of other stuff rocket put in,

1/ iv only been about to find the mission sqm file on the server. So im guessing the rockblocks are there.

I can only edit it in 2d editer and I dont see any roadblocks on the map, i cant find a 2D to 3D converter so i cant "see" the map

2/ if the mission.sqm does not hold rockblocks where the hell is it ? the defualt map has no staysober tents/roadblocks,

i know it can be done as ( noobs playground ) a dayz server i used to play on has them removed

3/ i found 100 of these in the sqm file are these the roadblocks ?

class Item94
player="PLAY CDG";
init="this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';";

thanks again for any help

PS: i do know and have added buildings in before
Roadblocks are not hard coded in the mission file. I had a small script that removed the roadblocks, but it also removed the military tents as well for some strange reason. I can't seem to find the old mission file with it in though, but I'm pretty sure a Google session will find it again if you're willing to search.

Not sure how to remove buildings though, again that's not something you'll find in the pbo.