rMod ????


I finally managed to install rMod to my dayzst server today and i think its awesome. But ive had to remove it as alot of my players dont have rMod installed. I have posted in my forums how to install it, but not everyone reads forums so i was wondering if there was a script that could install it automatically when people joined the server.

Many thanks

Not as far as I know, if you have just rmod you should try rmod 2.1, it's even better. Unfortunately it's hard to get people to download it, most people are too dumb or too lazy.
.1 ;)
seriously tho.. it has more items unlocked. I had the same issue with rmod. had a great rmod server setup that was identical to our standard server (but with rmod gear of course) and couldn't get anyone to play or download. The problem is Dayz Commander that refuses to put rmod as a 1 click install like the rest of the mods. So people put together their server and release a bunch of crap called a 'mod' (like Overwatch .. garbage IMHO) and Dayz commander cant wait to add it to the downloadable mods. Go figure...
The only reason why rmod is not a downloadable in dayz commander is because the infrastructure doesn't work with it as it applies to all mods, the regular mods are contained in their own directory whereas rmod is not.
It most certainly is a single folder added into your game directory exactly like all the other mods. Download the file, unzip the @rmod2 folder and add it to your game directory. How to install

DotJosh stated in his forums that he won't add rmod to Dayz Commander because it modifies any map ... its too generic. So the fact that its useful to a large number of people and could replace 10 different mods, makes it unqualified for install via DayzCommander?

The changes in most of these other 'mods' would be handled by rmod so there would be no need for them. I made a few irate posts there when we had our rmod server over this. I find it so ridiculous that rmod can't be downloaded from Dayz Commander BUT if I put rmod on our server, made all the changes I wanted and then released the entire package as the Pizza Mod .. it WOULD be added to Dayz Commander.
We talk to DotJosh all the time about adding it in, but he doesn't want to, his response is what I had posted above and he doesn't want to half ass it if he ever did add it.