.RPT errors with DZAI


Well-Known Member
16:47:02 Error in expression <Statements = if ((_max_dist >= 100) && {_searchLoot}) then {"if ((random 3) > 2)>
16:47:02   Error position: <_searchLoot}) then {"if ((random 3) > 2)>
16:47:02   Error Undefined variable in expression: _searchloot
16:47:02 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf, line 60
16:47:02 Error in expression <ariable ["unitType",""];
_allowWater = (_unitType == "aircustom");
_searchLoot =>
16:47:02   Error position: <_unitType == "aircustom");
_searchLoot =>
16:47:02   Error Undefined variable in expression: _unittype
16:47:02 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf, line 52
16:47:07 Error in expression <t 0);
_b = 0 + (_wp_pos select 1);

if (_searchLoot) then {

_bldgpos = [];
16:47:07   Error position: <_searchLoot) then {

_bldgpos = [];
16:47:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: _searchloot
16:47:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf, line 112
16:47:07 Error in expression <max_dist / 5.5;
_completionRadius = if (_isVehicle) then {(5 + _slack) max 75} e>
16:47:07   Error position: <_isVehicle) then {(5 + _slack) max 75} e>
16:47:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: _isvehicle
16:47:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf, line 74
16:47:10 Error in expression <t 0);
_b = 0 + (_wp_pos select 1);

if (_searchLoot) then {

_bldgpos = [];
16:47:10   Error position: <_searchLoot) then {

_bldgpos = [];
16:47:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _searchloot
16:47:10 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf, line 112
16:47:14 Error in expression <t 0);
_b = 0 + (_wp_pos select 1);

if (_searchLoot) then {

_bldgpos = [];
16:47:14   Error position: <_searchLoot) then {

_bldgpos = [];
16:47:14   Error Undefined variable in expression: _searchloot
16:47:14 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf, line 112

Any ideas on how to fix these please?
Hi I am having the same problem my RPT has this I am a new admin and not sure what to make of this.

21:30:08 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2015,3,18,8,30]"
21:30:08 "_iClass isNil, exiting loot spawn!"
21:30:08 Error in expression < 1 to _num do {
_index1 = floor(random _cntWeights);
_index2 = _weights select >
21:30:08 Error position: <_cntWeights);
_index2 = _weights select >
21:30:08 Error Undefined variable in expression: _cntweights
21:30:08 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\crash_spawner.sqf, line 88
21:30:08 Error in expression
_weights = dayz_CBLChances select _CBLBase;
_cntWeights = count _we>
21:30:08 Error position: _cntWeights = count _we>21:30:08 Error Zero divisor21:30:08 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\crash_spawner.sqf, line 83 21:31:24 "DZAI Cleanup: Cleaned up 1 dead units and 0 destroyed vehicles."21:31:24 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime: 0:25:16. Active AI Groups: 1."21:31:24 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns: 0. Respawn Queue: 0 groups queued."21:31:24 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns: 0. Random Spawns: 0. Air Patrols: 0. Land Patrols: 1." 21:33:03 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,8,33]"