RPT need help :S

I am having a few scripts on my server not working and also some of my Custom map additions are not showing up. But I dont understand these .RPT things could somebody please help me to Iron out the issues?


Scripts I'm using:

*Plot Manager (Zupa)
*Coin + Bank System (Zupa)
*Self Bloodbag
*ESS Enhanced Spawn Selection
*Snap Pro
*Safezone Commander (AGN)
*R3F Arty and Log (Towing / Airlift)
*Door Management (Zupa)
*Build Vectors
*Vehicle Service Point
*Group Management
*Weed Farms

Some of the Issues:

Weed farms do not spawn.
DAZI do not spawn any AI.
Door Management I am unable to manage doors.
Coin+Bank system the banks do not work there is no option in the scroll menu to access the banks. Also this broke the trade animation.
Safezone commander when entering a safezone you vehicles speed drops to 20 and wont go and faster.
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You have this error:
evecVM "custom\maps\dayz_epoch_kamenka.sqf";
18:09:14   Error position: <"custom\maps\dayz_epoch_kamenka.sqf";
18:09:14   Error Missing ;
18:09:14 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\init.sqf, line 92

In this case, on line 92 (as mentioned in the error above), you put compile preprocessfilenumbers instead of call compile preprocessfilenumbers


As for DZAI not working, We know the init line is being called because the very next line starts DZMS which does work and there is no error that it cant find the dzai_initserver.sqf file. What would be helpful is if you enabled the debug level of DZAI in dzai_config.sqf. Zero means we dont get any extra information, but it should show errors regardless. So not really sure what is going on there.


I dont do Epuke so have no idea about the coins or doors. Your Weed farms SHOULDN'T be working because its dumb. :p But the actual issue is related to your first error with call compile I think, that error is messing up all the scripts after it. So fix the first error and maybe ALL your issues will go away.
after you've made those two changes post a new RPT file and will see if we can get the other issues fixed if they're not already.
Oh I think DZAI Is working I went to stary trader and there was a load of AI there taking shots at me I thought god damn theres a missions stupidly close... looked on the map and there was no mission close but there was 2 missions up the other end of the map so I guess they are working.
Wow, I done what you said and changed the compile preprocessfilenumbers to call compile preprocessfilenumbers and jesus that caused major issues with the spawn thing xD the spawn map just spazed the hell out poping on and off the screen real fast for changing that line :O so I guess I have no choice but to leave the "call" part out on that one xD
or remove those crappy scripts ...
I guess since its just assigning the spawn.sqf script to espawn then using call on the next line.
but you still have that missing semicolon error somewhere on or near that line.
As you can see here in this image, the execvm on line 99 is black while the next one is purple on line 101. purple means its a global variable, not a reserved word. So there is an error before this that is making the error. Anyone see anything here?

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this is what the ESS code looks like in a working init.sqf .. its slightly different, I would copy/paste this into yours.
espawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\spawn\spawn.sqf";
waitUntil {!isNil "PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord"};
if ((!isDedicated) && (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2)) then {call espawn;};
Ok, I have added:

espawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\spawn\spawn.sqf";
waitUntil {!isNil "PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord"};
if ((!isDedicated) && (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2)) then {call espawn;};

I will now run the server again and create a fresh server.RPT.
Ahh I will play it for a bit then upload a new one... One thing is weird... I enabled my weed farms again and every time I load into the server my player falls on the floor and start rolling around its weird and if I log out and back in it will do it again... I could maybe do a little video if you don't understand what I mean :D
Have you tried sheeps repack its good for beginners and has a shit load of stuff in it, also a toggle on and off option for each script.