Safe code set 0000 after fourteen days of inactivity


New Member

I am hosting a dayz epoch server.
And i have a lot off players leaving the server with tonns of guns and shit.
Is there anyway to set the safe/door codes to 000/0000 after 14 days being inactive?

Not really big into epoch so i cant really tell you how i would exactly go through on doing it but i bet you its possible as there are codes like this for vehicles that have been "unused" for 7 days for phpmyadmin

DELETE FROM instance_vehicle WHERE DATE(`last_updated`) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 7 DAY
So maybe somthing like

Becareful this might delete everything in that table
DELETE FROM (Whatever table safes are in) WHERE DATE('last_updated') < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 14 DAY

Like i said im not into epoch so i cant provide a ton of pointers but i might try doing somthing like that if u have a test server or somthing as seen DELETE FROM (Whatever table safes are in) would select the table and then find the safes then WHERE DATE(`last_updated`) would fine the date last time used and if the date is older than < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 14 DAY it determined if the safe was not touched after 14 days

-Dunno if this helped but best solution i have
We use this to reset VaultStorageLocked passwords to "1111" that havent been used for over 30 dayz.
UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID`='1111' WHERE `Classname` = 'VaultStorageLocked' AND `object_data`.`LastUpdated` <= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 30 DAY