Safe Zones [Working]

Managed to get the option to open backpack disabled? This is the biggest issue on my server right now.

I was working on it but since we are changing platforms on our server i have been tied up in other things to get everything working on our new servers but i will continue work on it as soon as i can

Does this also work for dayz Because I have implemented it but it does not work. Just like the script is not loaded or anything. Nothing happens where the dome is supposed to be.

is it possible that the dayzai npcs will get killed if they running in the safezone and shoot at players? or something like that?

this would be great.
i have been working a lot in a safezone script for my epoch server, based on a script that i've found i did this:

Private ["_Basis","_EH_Fired","_EH_Hit","_EH_Killed"];
_Basis = _this select 0; //Basisname
while {true}  do
    //wait until Player is in base, then start Eventhandler
    waitUntil {vehicle player in list _Basis};
    player groupchat "proteccion adquirida";
    _EH_Fired  = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Fired", { _this select 0 addrating -200000; removeAllWeapons player;  NearestObject [_this select 0,_this select 4] setPos[0,0,0]}];
    _EH_Hit    = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Hit",  {_this select 1 setdammage 1; player setDammage 0; vehicle player setDammage 0}];
    _EH_Killed = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Killed",{_this select 1 setdammage 1}];
    //wait until Player left base, then delete EventHandler
    waitUntil {! (vehicle player in list _Basis)};
    player groupchat "proteccion desactivada";
    player removeEventHandler ["Fired", _EH_Fired];
    player removeEventHandler ["Hit",  _EH_Hit];
    player removeEventHandler ["Killed",_EH_Killed];

if you make a trigger activated by blufor when a player is like 50mts nearby as condition and you put

"if (playerSide == WEST) then {[nameofyourtrigger] execVM "safezone.sqf"};"

on expactiv, when a player shoots into the zone his weapons are removed and if you have AI guards they will terminate the situation, but i have a problem, when a zombie gets into the area you cant shoot him and i cant find the way to make AI to shoot them. Any idea? you can use my code as you want.

EDIT!!: finally i did it, i have no time for posting it but i promess i will post here later, it was easy to write but hard to think.

is it possible that the dayzai npcs will get killed if they running in the safezone and shoot at players? or something like that?

this would be great.

I used to have this, but took it out due to players abusing it and farming gold.