SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

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i might have a look later at redoing the lingor air patrols, not sure if i set some of them too small.
am i right in that when a heli patrol is spawned, it starts off in the air, then lands at the marker position to pick up the rest of the unit before continuing?

They get spawned in the air with all units on board. they shouldn't land, although i have randomly seen that as well.
I don't know why the 0 is there on that one particularly either, but I sure appreciate your extra heli spawn.

If anyone finds a list of coordinates for all towns, I'll take the time to make markers for heli patrols for every town (which I believe would allow to add static patrols to those coordinates as well).

Sarge, throw my name in the list for wanting dead AI to affect humanity as well, and if there is something I can do to help make that happen let me know, I'm not sure where to look, sorta new, but if I can get pointed in the right direction I can usually figure it out.

Thx a lot mate. I found a nasty bug in UPSMON this eve, which kept me busy. adjustment for humanity is still to come.
I've the issue to, that the AI will after a Server Restart spawn normal if you enter a grid for the first time. If i leave it and enter it again rpt and ups debug shows me patrols in the grid, but there are definetly not there. Fly around with a Heli to check that.
First entering = Shoot at me if i came near the ups debug dots
Every new entering = no ones there at the ups debug dots

Sarge, maybe i can invite you today for a little TS Chat?

Hi Mate, seen that one too late for the TS chat. I found the bug, and was able to fix it. Updating the post on page 1 now.
They get spawned in the air with all units on board. they shouldn't land, although i have randomly seen that as well.

weird, when i was testing the factioned choppers they both tried to land and pick up people right after spawn (which led me to believe they needed to at first).
oh well!
sarge, any chance of a randomizer type option for spawns? i know certain variables are random, but to make it interesting to say in city X it will spawn a random group, which is random in if they are bandits or survivors etc. so rather than knowing "ive set city X to have 75% chance of bandits", you have no idea what is actually spawned.

Well, wouldnt that be the same as if to set the values to 50/50/50 chance?

you will not know what you get with this as well ...
weird, when i was testing the factioned choppers they both tried to land and pick up people right after spawn (which led me to believe they needed to at first).
oh well!
where did they try to land ? directly at the spawn point ?

You can test that with a very small area (50x50), see if the heli comes down (i spawn em in at 80 m height). Gunners should be in their positions, even IF the heli is coming down.
Hey guys was just wondering if anyone is getting lag with the ai additions as in i have a couple of additions which seem affected like a debug monitor that fades away amd halo jumping at spawn that stops the player from pulling the chute and players not taking damage correctly. does anyone know of any mods that arent suitable with the sarge ai. I dont have an rpt file as im on but if theres anything i can provide to show this I will. Cheers

How many AI do you use ? They have an impact on the server fps, especially on low end servers. Maybe try with less groups / units per group.
How many AI do you use ? They have an impact on the server fps, especially on low end servers. Maybe try with less groups / units per group.
was using the standard set up didnt change amounts or anything for a taviana server. never really had lag before so not sure how many to reduce it by but ill look into it. everyone did enjoy it when it was working without the lag though so great work.
Well, wouldnt that be the same as if to set the values to 50/50/50 chance?

you will not know what you get with this as well ...
true, very true, i'm just updating the lingor grps now to add a few soldier units in, and will change my units so soldiers use same skin too so they look the same.

whats the easiest way to get the script to randomly choose either the number 2 or 3. i was hoping when i spawn the helis for it to randomly choose between it being soldier or bandit, again making it more unpredictable which you encounter. is it something along the lines of "floor(random 2)+1;"
OK this is very weird. I commented out the other heli spawns to leave one, to test if it lands etc.
RPT file is showing this:
 0:43:45 "----------------------------------------"
0:43:45 "Starting SAR_AI server init"
0:43:45 "----------------------------------------"
0:43:45 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition Started"
0:43:45 "Setting up SAR_AI for : lingor"
0:43:46 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition finalized"
0:43:46 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols started"
0:43:46 Error in expression <dWeapon _soldier_weapon_name;
_man2heli action ["getInTurret", _heli,[0]];
0:43:46  Error position: <action ["getInTurret", _heli,[0]];
0:43:46  Error 3 elements provided, 2 expected
0:43:46 File mpmissions\dayz_1.lingor\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_heli.sqf, line 121
0:43:46 "SAR_DEBUG: static AI Heli patrol spawned in: SAR_patrol_prison"
0:43:46 Error in expression <dWeapon _soldier_weapon_name;
_man3heli action ["getInTurret", _heli,[1]];
0:43:46  Error position: <action ["getInTurret", _heli,[1]];
0:43:46  Error 3 elements provided, 2 expected
0:43:46 File mpmissions\dayz_1.lingor\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_heli.sqf, line 128
0:43:46 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols finished"
0:43:46 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for infantry patrols finished"

while the grps.cfg shows this:
 _this = createMarker ["SAR_patrol_prison", [3024.6147, 7969.0239]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [1500, 1500];
SAR_marker_helipatrol_prison = _this;
[SAR_marker_helipatrol_prison,1] call SAR_AI_heli;

it was working just now, then i decided to change the markersize down to 50 as you suggested and now it doesn't want to load at all. i'm loading in right near where it should spawn, don't hear a thing, not even it blowing up somewhere
Sarge everytime i use the new SAR_AI_init.sqf my server gets stuck thats sins the worldname fix
i can update every other file"s whit no problem
true, very true, i'm just updating the lingor grps now to add a few soldier units in, and will change my units so soldiers use same skin too so they look the same.

whats the easiest way to get the script to randomly choose either the number 2 or 3. i was hoping when i spawn the helis for it to randomly choose between it being soldier or bandit, again making it more unpredictable which you encounter. is it something along the lines of "floor(random 2)+1;"

looks good
Your Fix works perfectly with the respawn :). Many thanks.
But i've some questions.

Is there a chance to deactivate the radio communication for example "check your fire" for the AI?
What about shooting a survivor or soldier of a group and the group open fire? Actual Survivor groups are walking weaponcarriers as long that you're not a bandit.
What's the progress of the humanity fix?
Is there something wrong with the SAR_trace_entities.sqf or SAR_trace_from_vehicle.sqf?
I get in my scripts log still following messages. Or is everything okay and i should adjust my be filters, so it won't be logged anymore? (Name, IP and GUID replaced)

if (isServer) then {
dayzPlayerSave call server_playerSync;
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #5 "layer: %1", _x];
_x setVariable["tagged",true,true];
_x addrating -10000;
} else {
if(isPlayer _x) then {
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #138 "
while {alive _ai} do {
if !(isServer) then {
_entity_array = (position _ai) nearEntities [_trac"
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #138 "umanity=0;
_sleeptime = 15;
while {alive _ai} do {
if !(isServer) then {
_entity_array = (position _ai) nearEntities ["CAMa"
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #23 "ent wrong! disconnect and try again!", "PLAIN"];
player enableSimulation false;
} else { diag_log "DEBUG: loadscreen guard ended"
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #135 "ctsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara";
sleep 0.3;
player setVelocity [(velocity player select 0) + 1.5 * sin direction player, "
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #138 "haracter getVariable["messing",[0,0]]
anything in the rpt ?

yea it thinks iam running panthera whit the old file its ok

did you only changed this and added panthera ?

// Shows extra debug info in .rpt
SAR_DEBUG = true;
publicvariable "SAR_DEBUG";
// careful with setting this, this shows a LOT, including the grid properties and definitions for every spawn and despawn event
publicvariable "SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG";
Your Fix works perfectly with the respawn :). Many thanks.
But i've some questions.

Is there a chance to deactivate the radio communication for example "check your fire" for the AI?
What about shooting a survivor or soldier of a group and the group open fire? Actual Survivor groups are walking weaponcarriers as long that you're not a bandit.
What's the progress of the humanity fix?
Is there something wrong with the SAR_trace_entities.sqf or SAR_trace_from_vehicle.sqf?
I get in my scripts log still following messages. Or is everything okay and i should adjust my be filters, so it won't be logged anymore? (Name, IP and GUID replaced)

if (isServer) then {
dayzPlayerSave call server_playerSync;
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #5 "layer: %1", _x];
_x setVariable["tagged",true,true];
_x addrating -10000;
} else {
if(isPlayer _x) then {
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #138 "
while {alive _ai} do {
if !(isServer) then {
_entity_array = (position _ai) nearEntities [_trac"
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #138 "umanity=0;
_sleeptime = 15;
while {alive _ai} do {
if !(isServer) then {
_entity_array = (position _ai) nearEntities ["CAMa"
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #23 "ent wrong! disconnect and try again!", "PLAIN"];
player enableSimulation false;
} else { diag_log "DEBUG: loadscreen guard ended"
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #135 "ctsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara";
sleep 0.3;
player setVelocity [(velocity player select 0) + 1.5 * sin direction player, "
11.03.2013 17:48:56: XXXXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX - #138 "haracter getVariable["messing",[0,0]]

some answers :)

a) radio chatter / messages in the bottom left corner - pulling my hair over this one, tried everything, the guys are still talking ... worst case i cant swith it off.

b) if you kill one man of a survivor group, the rest will become hostile. Needs a kill though, otherwise the game will not make the player part of the enemy faction. I would need to implement a hit eventhandler for any AI, checking who shot them and then making that player enemy. Might look into it, not high priority atm.

c) working on humanity feature atm

d) #5, and the first two #138 are from my mod, you can adjust BE scripts.txt for these (add exception). The rest is not coming from my mod.
okay thanks.

about d: maybe that will disappear if the humanity system is working? But okay, i'll set some BE exceptions.

About b: I'll try it and watch more carefully next time, but i think if i shoot a survivor of a group the other ones just don't take even notice of it. Also don't shoot at me after that. But i'll have a look at it.
yea it thinks iam running panthera whit the old file its ok

did you only changed this and added panthera ?

// Shows extra debug info in .rpt
SAR_DEBUG = true;
publicvariable "SAR_DEBUG";
// careful with setting this, this shows a LOT, including the grid properties and definitions for every spawn and despawn event
publicvariable "SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG";

i recommend to always take the full latest set of scripts - if you change by yourself / don't update, i can not support, weird things might happen. thats why i removed all the cfg files from the core logic and put them in a seperate directory.
i recommend to always take the full latest set of scripts - if you change by yourself / don't update, i can not support, weird things might happen. thats why i removed all the cfg files from the core logic and put them in a seperate directory.
i got the same problem even whit original files
and i can confirm that if i delete the panthera line"s that my server start up normaly
sth is wrong then with your Panthera config file. If the server hangs, you must have something in the rpt, OR it is complaining about a missing cfg file (did you copy the 2 Panthera files in your cfg folder) ?
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