SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

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All the helicopter patrol spawns are just crashed helis. None of them actually fly, they're just exploded wrecks along the coast/ne airfield /nw airfield
You would be surprised how many times this has been discussed if you would just go read....... answeres are all over this thread
You would be surprised how many times this has been discussed if you would just go read....... answeres are all over this thread
sometimes questions just won't get the question i least 4 times (how to make zeds chase AI eventhough i know zeds won't do any damage to AI) :rolleyes:
Trolls cant read, shouldnt have even needed to read the posts here . The answer is in his easy to understand README which comes with this fine AI program. Maybe trolls have eyes and brains if so should use them.
sometimes questions just won't get the question i least 4 times (how to make zeds chase AI eventhough i know zeds won't do any damage to AI) :rolleyes:

I think i answered this type of question a couple of times. At the moment, you can't. Well, in theory you can, if you implement it yourself. It's on my list to be looked at as an option, but with low priority.

cheers, Sarge
1:21:01 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition Started"
1:21:01 "Setting up SAR_AI for : chernarus"
1:21:01 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition finalized"
1:21:01 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols started"
1:21:01 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols finished"
1:21:01 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for infantry patrols finished"
1:21:01 "DEBUG FPS : 10.5125"
1:23:01 "STARTING LOGIN: ["#######",B 1-1-A:2 (blur*) REMOTE]"
1:23:01 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "#########" blur*"
1:23:02 "LOGIN RESULT: Exiting, failed to load _primary: ["ERROR"] for player: ###### "
1:23:02 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
1:23:03 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
1:23:04 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
1:23:05 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"

when i log into the server all of the players are ai. and it looks like it is reset to normal ARMA2OA and nothing works... what is going on?

Remove / comment out the lines in your init.sqf that start my framework and see what happens.
in your sar_config folder you need to change it to this

// -----------------------------------------------
// Debug
// -----------------------------------------------

// Show AI hits and kills by players

// Shows extra debug info in .rpt
SAR_DEBUG = false;

// careful with setting this, this shows a LOT, including the grid properties and definitions for every spawn and despawn event

// SET THIS TO 0 to hide the group markers on the map
//1=Enable or 0=disable debug. In debug could see a mark positioning de leader and another mark of the destination of movement, very useful for editing mission
KRON_UPS_Debug = 0;

Thats not exactly right.

for the AI waypoint markers to be shown on the map you need

KRON_UPS_Debug = 1;[/quote]

to see the grid, it is sufficient to set

SAR_DEBUG = true;

Keep in mind only the FIRST person to join a fresh started server will see the grid.

Hi Sarge / Guys :)

First off, this mod is amazing! Love it :D I'm sure out players will too :)

Installing was easy peasy thanks to the excellent guide, and a quick read of what people forget (i usually check the first 3 pages of a thread - seem what common issues are, so I don't end up asking noobie questions!)

That said... I have a noobie question :D

It's all working 100% perfectly, but I wondered about skill levels of the AI. Sarge, I know it's not a config option in the main config file, and I know you recommended in another post (to a similar question) to look into something like: - But I have 2 quick questions:

1) Before I used this mod, I had static AI I had placed via the 2d editor, with waypoints etc - I knew how to set the skill levels there, and I just wondered if there is ANY way by editing the Sarge files, to edit the skill levels as defined usually in the mission editor - or do your files use a completely different system?

2) Re: the link above (for ASR AI Addons), I wondered:
a) Would this mod effect the AI spawned via your system? (yes/no/not got a clue - any answer is fine, I appreciate your help!)
b) Reading the readme that comes with that file, it says
This addon can be installed on clients, servers or both. It will configure only the AI local to the machine where it is installed.
Just wondered, does this mean to work properly, I would have to get players to download/install the mod? (much like rmod etc)?

Sorry for all the questions - Just trying to make the AI a little more hardcore as they can be poor shots sometimes, lol - and thanks again for building such a great mod!


Hi Mike,

my latest version (1.1.0, which is the one on github) include AI skill settings. You don't need ASR_AI anymore if you want to tune your skills. I ran it here, and had some issues (mainly it spamming the rpt with some "muzzle" errors".

Check out the SAR_config.sqf file, there's a big section for the skill definition.


// Leader
SAR_leader_sold_skills = [
    ["aimingAccuracy",0.35, 0.10], // skilltype, <min value>, <random value added to min>;
    ["aimingShake",  0.35, 0.10],
    ["aimingSpeed",  0.80, 0.20],
    ["spotDistance",  0.70, 0.30],
    ["spotTime",      0.65, 0.20],
    ["endurance",    0.80, 0.20],
    ["courage",      0.80, 0.20],
    ["reloadSpeed",  0.80, 0.20],
    ["commanding",    0.80, 0.20],
    ["general",      0.80, 0.20]

cheers, Sarge
Sounds like you have a hacker in your server, they don't spawn cars in but they will find them if they are hidden and take them if you have that set up.

Agree on that. My framework in the actual version doesn't spawn any cars in.

Think we found a new role for AI -> get those hacker vehicles .-)
Do they need to be near buildings that are part of the map or will they be okay near buildings that are in the sqm/db?

I've asked you this before but you said its a surprise, I still haven't gotten around to it... But what's ambush like?!

They will search in a 200m area for any buildings, if they find any, they will go into these to defend.

Lifting the ambush surprise .-) AI can and will position themselves close to roads, lay mines and ambush any passing enemy.

They will search in a 200m area for any buildings, if they find any, they will go into these to defend.

Lifting the ambush surprise .-) AI can and will position themselves close to roads, lay mines and ambush any passing enemy.


Holyshit thats epic, gonna have to set shitloads of them to fortify and ambush...

If I jack up the KRON_UPS_sharedist to say.. 1000m would that cause any server issues?... I'd like the AI to communicate over pretty long distances so they can come to each others aid.
So many people on my server is complaining about, that people can't get in cars together... :'-(

Uploaded the fix to github, didn't want you all to wait for the full next release.

Download & exchange 2 files: SAR_vehicle_fix.sqf and SAR_functions.sqf,

and set


in your SAR_config.sqf file.

cheers, Sarge
Holyshit thats epic, gonna have to set shitloads of them to fortify and ambush...

If I jack up the KRON_UPS_sharedist to say.. 1000m would that cause any server issues?... I'd like the AI to communicate over pretty long distances so they can come to each others aid.

Give it a try, and see the impact on the server. i don't expect a major impact. Check the behaviour, i didn't fully test this (e.g. if groups leave their designated grids), In theory they shouldn't.
Now for my question!

Sarge, i can get the ai working no bother on a fresh pbo, but when i try to add it in when i have my debug monitor and fuel script it just spazzes out with:

0:00:54 Wrong text element 'null'

Just repeats that constantly!

any ideas?

Hey Sarge, ill have to recheck my files for the server grid and positions as thats all i changed in my files.

i managed to get the i working along with my debug and refuel script but my .rpt file is getting spammed with

9:09:35 Wrong text element 'null'
a few times a second, with this in certain places

9:17:54 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:"2":[45,[6865.21,2481.71,0.0183578]]:0.333968:"" 9:17:54 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:"2":[]:0.7:""

Any ideas mate?, any help would be greatly appreciated!
post an extract of your rpt, starting from somewhere around here:

0:52:04 "--------------------------------"
0:52:04 "UPSMON started"

please don't post the full rpt.

Tx, Sarge
Thanks for the reply mate, iv added my log from where you said it has the errors and a few errors from when a player joins.


  • error rpt.txt
    33 KB · Views: 2

I've followed the installation steps, but the AI's is not spawning. Is there anything else I have to do to make them spawn? Do I have to manually add spawnpoints or grids etc?

Best regards,
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