Sarge AI / server cleanup


I have epoch chernarus using DZAI, now have new server Napf I want adding the sarge AI cause DZAI not compatible with the WAI. I'm stuck at changing the line 290 in server cleanup.fsm
Need to find that but there is nothing looking like that in my server cleanup.
" if ((count units _x==0) ) then {" \n
" diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING A GROUP: "" + str(_x));" \n

Not sure how dropbox works but this is my server cleanup

Hope someone can tell me what is wrong or what I need to do.
I'm having the same issue, with Regular Epoch Chernarus Any help would be greatly appreciated
That's what I read somewhere else, and that the installation instructions needed updating. Thanks, Ill look again in that file

Because the lines not there. I hope Im just not thinking straight today

EDIT: I'm being told that that line doesn't require editing if Im using WAI aswell as SargeAI. Ill test now too see, If I don't re-post or update this again you can consider my problem resolved. Thnx for your input
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