Script Help

So Im trying to install this stat system for my takistan life server and this is what the instructions say

To use "iniDB" in your mission, install the extension in your ARMA2 or ARMA3 directory by copying the entire "@inidb" folder included in the download to your root directory.
Don't forget to copy over over or create the /db/ folder.
It should look like: /Arma 3/@inidb/iniDB.dll
It should look like: /Arma 3/@inidb/db/
It should look like: /Arma 3/@inidb/Addons/iniDB.pbo

Then in your mission init.sqf, somewhere before you want to use the functions do this:
call compile preProcessFile "\iniDB\init.sqf";

the code above I dont know what part of the line on what to put it on