Scripter needed will pay.


New Member
Hi there,

I am looking to hire a scripter for my epoch servers. Looking to add alot of scripts that are preexisting. (EX ones on this fourm) I would like to have the customized to my liking. I am looking for someone who can work on namalsk. Here is a list of some features. (Keep in mind this isn't all the features and it might change)

God mode traders
Infastar anti hack (I have it already)
Self blood bag
Custom ai missions
Healing whilst sleeping in tents
Custom buildings
Custom loot table
Custom traders
No decay bases
No need plot pole to build
Indestructible bases
And more

Looking for someone who is reasonable qualified . Please post your skype and any qualifications you may have. Thank you (paypal payment only)
what sort of pay did you have in mind, Add me on skype anyway i could help here and there for free, but for all that would charge

Skype: CraftDoge
what sort of pay did you have in mind, Add me on skype anyway i could help here and there for free, but for all that would charge

Skype: CraftDoge

Hi Hollow would you mind if I pick your brains on Skype?

Have a server we are wanting to install Epoch Panthera on - I've spent tonight reading the Internet and there doesn't seem to be any one informative guide to take me through the whole process. If you could get me started I would certainly be willing to pay you for a few services to make it worth your while. Thanks !