Scripting for Dayz 2048


New Member

I've "create" DayZ 2048

- What's new in 2048 : 100% reviewed Chernarus Map with new military Zone and mode.


I'm trying to do some scritp to

- Creat Arrow with wood pile
- Gut Humain
- Gut Zombies

For Gut Humain and Zeds i see DayZ 2017 but it's doesnt work :(

For Guting Humain i've

- (Dayz_code) /Action
-- gather_human_meat.sqf
-- cookhuman.sqf
- /compile
-- local_gutHuman.sqf
- /init
-- in compile.sqf i've add : "local_gutHuman = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_gutHuman.sqf";" at line just under local_gutObject = ...

I don't understand why it's doens't work :(

Anybody can help me ?

It's not cool man to just rip shins code and ask why you can get it to work. I recently put a post up about gutting, but anyone can see it's totally different from shins method
no trouble ..

I just want to creat my own Script then share with everybody.

Then i just need to understand how it's work.

I'm not here to steal Code from other guy.

I just want to understand how it's works.

Sorry for the mistake.

I'll try in my cave ^^'
I don't mind people using my code, but its courteous to ask first. Everything I use that someone else created is because I asked them first and gave them a credit.
no problem, really sory for this mistake :(
I don't want to be a thief or stealer

Well i'm not really good in english (i'm french) then when i write something i'm direct :(. (this is not an excuse i know)

With your script i wanted to understand how it's worlk, then i think i found some answer.

The Human Gut Work

Now i'm try to do a Script to make Arrow

Like : Wood pile + Knife = 1 Arrow

If i can do this, i'll will give you the script.

Well really sory for my mistake.

Good day