Scripts for my upcoming HFB server


Hi everyone, I have finally decided to create a Epoch Taviana/Chernarus server for anyone to enjoy. The only thing is that I have no experience coding, and someone recommended this forum since there are knowledgeable people that can help. I already have an admin tool/anti-hack that I am going to be using. The scripts that I would like to have available on my server are self blood bag, auto refuel/repair at gas pumps, Those AI missions that pop up randomly on the map/ supply drops, salvage vehicle, suicide, safe trader zones, anti backpack stealing at the trader zones. Now I believe I need a program like PBO Manager to unpack those files so I can get to the SQL files? Also depending on which map it is easier to set these features up and going, will help me decide whether I want Taviana or Chernarus. Basically I would like to know where on this forum I can get the correct scripts for what I want and exactly which file I need to input them into. After I get these scripts working correctly, I would like to add in additional buildings to the map but that is for a later time. Hope to hear from anyone that can help, thanks.
There are MAAAAANY tutorials for what you want on
Here are some links you will need/usefull links: <-- Pre made server files, seems perfect for you, but you will need PBO Manager to repack em'. <-- PBO Manager <-- How to make server <-- What server provider to use (I personnaly tested HFB and Nitrado and Vilayer, Vilayer is pretty good.)

I hope this will already help you a little bit out!
Thanks for the info, I will check them out when I get back from work. If I have any other questions, i'll be sure to post them here.