Server Keeps restarting

ty man im on the ts now
while {true} do {
    if (isNil _firstStartAction) then {
        format ['CHILD:999:DELETE FROM `InstaActions`:[1]:'] call server_hiveWrite;
        _firstStartAction = '1';
    sleep 5;
    if (isServer and !(isNil "sm_done")) then {   
        _key = 'CHILD:999:SELECT `id`, `clientSide`, `execCode`, `repeatAction`, `description` FROM `InstaActions` ORDER BY `id` ASC:[1]:';
        _result = _key call server_hiveReadWriteLarge;
        _status  = _result select 0;
        if (_status == 'CustomStreamStart') then {
            _numResults = _result select 1;
            _actionsArr = [];
            for '_i' from 1 to _numResults do {
                _actionsArr set [count _actionsArr, _key call server_hiveReadWrite];
                _rAction = compile (_x select 2);
                _clientSide = _x select 1;
                _repeatAction = _x select 3;
                _description = _x select 4;
                if (_clientSide == 1) then {
                    [nil,nil, rSpawn, [], _rAction] call RE;
                } else {
                    [] spawn _rAction;
                if (_repeatAction == 0) then {
                    diag_log("InstaActions: Executed non-repeating action - clientSide " + str(_clientSide) + " - " + str(_description));
                    format ['CHILD:999:DELETE FROM `InstaActions` where `id` = ?:[%1]:', _x select 0] call server_hiveWrite;
                } else {
                    diag_log("InstaActions: Executed repeating action - clientSide " + str(_clientSide) + " - " + str(_description));
            } foreach _actionsArr;