Server-Side Anti-Hacks [Need help]


New Member
Recently I downloaded (Not used) the Rustler's and m0nky scripting to look at their anti-hacks which seems to be actually quite well-scripted.

I know these anti-hacks are far out-dated by now, but how could a server owner with 100% to all files even start to add server-side anti-hacks?

Rustler's 3.0 anti-hacks are able to detect when a player enables variables like "changestats", "playericons", "list_wrecked", etc. Also he uses in-game physics to detect teleportation using a simple speed = distance/time equation.

All of these things would have to be able to be added to the server and in the end be able to call another script that would display a hacker and auto-add them to bans.txt am I right?
I've been with so my knowledge of anything outside of server.pbo and mission.pbo is unknown to me. Thanks for any replies :)

EDIT: To clear up any confusion, I do NOT use or encourage using these hacks to prevent hackers. These scripts are outdated anyway and are pointless to those who have a BE Bypass.