Some problem with static/vehicle custom spawns


New Member
Hi guys, i have read all the tutorial and i'm making some experiment about npc static groups on my epoch server.

I set up this code inside SAR_cfg_grps_tavi.sqf to manage 2 groups on Krasnonnamez'sk airport (the one in the left island) to create a sort of "safe zone" for the vendors there.

I took x y coordinates from survival editor and my position there

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Definition of area markers for static spawns
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// add if needed, see examples in the chernarus file
    // Aereoporto
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_patrol_aereoporto", [6997.39, 8301.96]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 0;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [5, 5];
    SAR_marker_patrol_aereoporto = _this;

and after at the end of file

  // add here if needed
// guardie aereoporto
[SAR_marker_patrol_aereoporto,1,2,6,"fortify",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_aereoporto_veh_1,1,["GAZ_Vodnik"],[[1,1,1]],true,60] call SAR_AI_land;
// ---- end of configuration area ----

Tried a couple of times changing Sar variables but nothing spawned :S

Any ideas if i forgot or changed something ?
