Some stuff that *may* be possible...


New Member
...and would be nice to have :)
Talked with MrSherenai about those things some weeks back and the more I think about it, the more I want them. So why not suggest it for my all-time favorite map in it's updated version.

1.) Implement some rubber-tubing like item to "steal" gas/petrol from vehicles back into jerry cans
2.) Make the crowbar "toolbeltable" like the hatchet and use it to rip parts of vehicles (either to salvage damaged ones, steal from rivals or just disable your own while you're on the hunt/away)
3.) Add a Steelcutter or give the toolbox the ability to damage/destroy fences
3b.) Sledgehammer for walls anyone?
4.) Replace scrap-metal on the list of items to repair a chopper with electronic parts (just some random PCBs or loose wires etc) that can be found in office buildings for example
5.) Add bicycle-wheels
6.) Up the tool count above the tool-belt-slot count, to force *some* sort of specialization [not to harsh, people should still be able to play lone-wolf but not be like MacGyver 2.0]... Can-Openers, Airpumps for tires, rubber-tubing, crow-bar 2.0, steelcutter, sledgehammer
6b.) make tools not backpackable
7.) visual interface / overview of a damaged vehicle and it's status. (like a top-down blueprint/schematic with color & text-indicators of the current state and buttons to repair it if you have the right items in your inventory)
8.) Enginge parts, tires, hatchets can be looted like other objects and not with "take X", so you can put them directly in your backpack
9.) Low airvehicle count but also bring in the ammo/repair truck for another objective to fight over
10.) Optics & a quiver for the crossbow. Quiver would be a tool with a capacity of, let's say 10 bolts and instead of recovering the bolt from a glitched body in the dirt, make it a fixed %-chance that you recover it from the victim's gear instead.

Yeah, yeah... One can dream I know. But you asked for it :)
Maybe someone with the right skills finds it good or easy enough to sort it out and help you get it into Panthera 2.9
i like most of this stuff that is on here. the fuel trucks and ammo trucks are good for air and ground stuff. just only have one of each on the map. then people have to fight over it.
I'd say have a limited amount of fuel at gas stations / fueling locations... And make it randomized on each restart.... So that at best you're getting 0-3 jerry cans worth of fuel or something, so you gotta travel a bunch to get fuel.. and gotta get lucky. This way the trucks are EXTREMELY desirable since they'd be packed with fuel... they'd almost be essential to have a operational chopper in the air.

Charges on toolbelt items should exist as well - Toolboxes should break, knives should dull, axes should chip and such.. matchboxes should have only a few in them (But when you find more matchboxes you can add to its count)...

I think that's the next phase for the game - Making the RESOURCES that are gathers and the tools used to gather them more challenging and not just a one time find.
I think petrol needs to be seperated.

It should be possible to fill your car up every few towns. However there should only be a few points that aircraft can refuel.

How to solve this problem is something I don't have much on yet! I like trucks being used as it adds another layer to the game, sounds tricky to implement properly though.
Yehh... Fueling aircraft should obviously be different, but.... I didn't even think that would be in the realm of possible w/o being really complicated...

It would add a totally awesome layer to trying to fuel up at the airfields.. especially if there isn't much fuel at them (Battle for Heli fuel, see more clans switching to ground to collect it and drive back to their heli to fuel up)

For me making survival resources a challenge to manage is a big deal - I'd like to see guns fall apart, ammo be scarce, food/water/fuel/meds/toobelt stuff/vehicle stuff all become more rare or have multiple layers of tasks to get anything done. Smelting for scraps, pulling them off cars and doors and w.e else, finding glass at houses or doing some voodoo shit with bottles.. I know a buncha these already exist out there - It's just a matter of bringing them all into 1 place.

The toolkit badly needs to be degradable, and the idea of not being able to hold all the tools is great, force specializations.

Another thing you could do is give value to different "Starting characters".... Tie it in with gear, starting stats (health conditions), skin, run speed/health etc. Fat guy, or medic, cop, hunter, engineer etc etc etc.

It would bring in different gameplay for each time you start... Hell if you could make it so diff types of people start at diff locations / have diff chances of ending up as a specific role.... So like:

City Dweller - Spawns near large town: Has X chance of starting with such and such gear (+/- a buncha things to add a difference between each City Dweller spawning in)... Make it the most common type of survivor you can end up with, but have it have variance within itself.

Key is to make sure everything feels and plays slightly diff. You could spawn as a man with a gun, but with shitall supplies (no bandages or anything)... so you're a guy with nothing left to lose and you shoot everything... or a guy with food/water, but starts off sick. ETC ETC.

Create strengths and weaknesses to each classification.... Not to mention tie it all in with skins.

I also believe a radio system would be really badass.... Something with radio towers, radios, generators and the ability to communicate in channels. Radio to Radio = X distance, using functional tower = y amplification... Multiple towers up = Communicate to all radios on the map.

if it was possible to create diff channels so people could "spy" on others by toggling through a buncha frequencies... Iunno.. Dont know much about all that, would have to do some research - or someone can fill in the knowledge gap.
Oh dear ... i bet my coding knowledge is too limited to get this to run, at least not for the radio and fuel stuff. ^^

I will release the files the next days on github. So if anyone knows how to get this going you are more welcome to contribute ;)
Love the news of a github repo to submit ideas / changes i.e similar to Lingor / Offical Dayz ones...
Always nice to help out espeically when people find the odd fix / improvement etc..

Waiting patiently on release..