Someone trying to hax via DB


Well-Known Member
Saw this in logs:
2013-02-04 13:26:40 Database: [Error] Error 1406 (Data too long for column 'unique_id' at row 1) in MySQLStmtExecute SQL: 'insert into `log_entry` (`unique_id`, `log_code_id`, `instance_id`) select ?,, ? from log_code lc where = ? VALUES("0;object_SetFixServer={if(isServer&&((_this select 4)==0))then{_cd=markerText'respawn_west';call compile _cd;remExField=[nil,nil,_cd];publicVariable'remExField';'respawn_west'setMarkerText'';}else{_this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers'\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setFixServer.sqf';};};0", 2, "Disconnect")'
I have recently had hackers try to get into my database as well, bastards tried to drop the whole database! lucky i have the database name non-generic!
Thats going to be a common issue regardless of what system its on.

Do you happen to have any of the rpt from the same time frame?

Im seeing call compiles again, im pretty sure this was sent as ASCII strings.

time go go check out the cheat sites and see if there are any db hacks