Something's overriding my custom loadout


So here's the deal. I got Taviana and everything set, everything works perfect.
But I went to panels (DB) and edited my "instances"...
I made a loadout for all players on spawn including some items.

BUT here's the problem. My server decided to override my custom loadout with another script from unknown location.
SO... when new player spawns he get's MY loadout that I set, PLUS additional loadout from *God knows where* including: Painkiller, 1 bandage, Patrol Pack.

CAN anyone help me to locate that and remove it?
Add me to skype please: hrvoje.lotar
There's issues with the Tavi 2.0 cust_loadouts.

I'm trying to source a fix now, been trawling through forums all of yesterday trying to find how to fix this.
Your not alone!