Spawning group by an Epoch event does not work in DZAI 1.8.1


New Member
I use DZAI to spawn a group for an Epoch event. It was working fine with 1.7.3. Now I updated to 1.8.1 and there are no groups spawning now.

The code is from

I spawn the group with this:

// Create Defensive Squad
_spawnPos = getPosATL _loot_box; //Using getPosATL because it's 2x faster than getPos
_spawnPos set [2,0]; //Forces z coordinate (height) to zero
military = [4,grpNull,_spawnPos,objNull,3] call fnc_createGroup;

In the logs is everything fine. No errors.

Are there some changes in 1.8.1 which I have to made to get it working again?

Thanks for help :)
It's because fnc_createGroup was renamed to DZAI_setup_AI. Replace the names and it will work again.