Standalone is out now on Steam!

In a devblog a while ago, not his exact words just what I remember, they asked about modding and he said not in the beginning but it is for surely something they are going to have wether it is with a small branch of people modding and not just anyone.
Eh.....I hate to sound like an ungrateful snob but is anyone else rather disappointed at how little is finished? Purely judging that based on what's been stated about the game's features so far, haven't bought it yet and may very well wait it out.

Maybe I've been away from DayZ for too long and have my memories mixed up, but wasn't it at one point going to be released a year ago this time - then that got moved to like june/july-ish? Just worried this is going to be another forever-in-beta/early-access game.

I'm also kind of worried they're going to put off and put off the modding functionality. Anyone ever read anything about Rocket's opinions of what the community has done with the mod? I'm curious if he's ever made statements like some of the hardcore realism guys do about how the community ruined the game making it too easy or whatever with all the heavy customization. Basically if I can't run my own server on my own setup with things the way I want them I think I'll stay with the mod and deal with the dated graphics.

Forgive me if I'm jaded and being overly negative lol, just seen one too many modders-turned-pros forget where they came from and go full-on corporate money machine. After they banned the fighters/attack helis/etc. I've become convinced the standalone will be locked down and only playable how they want you to play it. I seriously hope I'm wrong

Ah who am I kidding I'll probably buy the damn thing payday hah
That is something I had thought about the other day, he said something on his live stream a little bit ago we're a bug almost broke the whole game. So that saying with future development how many bugs can we take that risk with!