Stary Outpost - Chernarus


Well-Known Member
I've decided to start releasing the additions I've made for Taviana and Chernarus.
This place I've called, Stary Outpost, located at Stary Sobor.


This place is a military outpost with some good loot locations.

Install server-side:
Put the file staryOutpost.sqf somewhere in your server folder wherever you prefer.
Open server_functions.sqf and add in this line at the end:
call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\staryOutpost.sqf";
Remember to change the path to where you placed the file.

Changed the links so they should be visible to anyone now. Dropbox is driving me nuts sometimes
this map addition really is nice, however it conflicts with my other stary additions.. whats the easiest way to undo these buildings/objects? cant find them in the database..
this map addition really is nice, however it conflicts with my other stary additions.. whats the easiest way to undo these buildings/objects? cant find them in the database..
These aren't added to the database. If they conflict with other additions you yourself added, you'll have to remove whichever ones you don't want. To remove them, find where you placed the file and delete the one you don't want. If they are conflicting with buildings that are a part of dayz, you need to "clear the roads" which is a simple one line of text fix Im sure you can find it very easily. Once you've cleared the roads of all of rockets added stuff, you can add stuff to stary without it overlapping.
Thanks for the fast reply, what will be removed if I use the code to clear out this rockets additions?
Thanks for the fast reply, what will be removed if I use the code to clear out this rockets additions?
It will remove all of the road debris from around the map, so the roads will be cleared and it will remove all of the added military tents, (Balota, Berezino, Stary Sobor, etc.)

This map addition is nice but I would personally remove the barracks that don't spawn loot and add in ones that do, just my personal preference though, still a great map addition.
This isn't my map addition, Im not OP.

You could figure out which 2 barracks they are and remove them from the file, or you could create your own.