Survivor, Hero and Bandit Voice Commands Menu [HELP]

Would this be a good, or bad thing to add to servers?

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Alright I made each voice into an .ogg file, took me a while. I don't have a husky army sounding voice but it could be used as a test.
Which do you need sent in and tested from the list, just send in a recording of all of them? Or a certain section/subgroup
a recording of all of them in one file or like what rhymeo did. i can take it either way.
Actually, I had thought the same thing before and add myserlf a scroll menu and succeeded in playing music locally ...but it couldn't be heard by anyone near my charactor. I couldn't see a lipsync while the music was playing...
I used say3D and would want to ask how did you make it.
And have you got the sound? Sorry for my not being able to help this because I'm not a native speaker.
Actually, I had thought the same thing before and add myserlf a scroll menu and succeeded in playing music locally ...but it couldn't be heard by anyone near my charactor. I couldn't see a lipsync while the music was playing...
I used say3D and would want to ask how did you make it.
And have you got the sound? Sorry for my not being able to help this because I'm not a native speaker.
You use call RE; (for remote execution).
alright guys. i have everything done. i decided to redo the coding completly and have come up with this. i have 2 sets of voices for bandits, and survivors/heros. they are called randomly and are set to an audible range of about 40-120 meters. the emotes section will include all of the fun emotes from arma as an extra additon, and i will be adding some special commands in :) again, if anyone would like to do recording for heros, by all means contact me and help me out! it will make the menu more Awesome! thanks for showing intrest in this and i hope to have the final product out soon!