Teamspeak Permissions

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Well-Known Member
I was given Server Group "Member" on Teamspeak and since then i can't click the eye to view people in all channels it says
insufficient client permissions (failed on i_client_max_channel_subscriptions)

I was able to do it as a guest but not as a member
To fix this if you wasn't sure how

Make sure you have advanced permissions enabled on your client if not

Go to settings menu
click options on the settings menu
click the application tab
check mark "Advance Permissions system"
press ok when you've done that

Once Advance permission is enabled on your client then do this

Now go to permissions menu
click server groups in permission menu
Now to the left you see a list that shows your server groups
click on the "member" group
now you look for filter
in the box next to it type this
It will then show it
set the "value" to "-1" so that group can view all people in all channels
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