[Teaser] GoT Wasteland v2.3


Well-Known Member
Just as a ‘sneak-preview’ here’s a preliminary changelog for GoT Wasteland V2.3
At this time were waiting for the new content from DEV branch to be added to the Stable branch

Preliminary changelog (might still change)
* [Added] 3 general stores selling food, water, fuelcans, repairkits
* [Added] working repairkits that can be dropped, purchased and found
* [Added] working fuelcans that can be dropped, purchased and found
* [Added] new interface for general stores
* [Added] more variaty in base building parts and fixed the bugged ones
* [Added] 45acp suppressor added to lootspawns, vehicles and stores
* [Added] the new Independent SDV also spawns near coastal areas
* [Added] the new camo blackhawk is added to some of the missions
* [Added] New compositions to the outpost missions
* [Added] New and/or different vehicles to existing missions
* [Fixed] Gunstore exploit (spamming purchase button)
* [Fixed] Announcements on outpost, abandonned truck and APC missions
* [Fixed] Players can no longer get into the convoy mission-vehicles
* [Fixed] Purchase issues with general stores
* [Fixed] the balance between weapon/item spawns inside buildings
* [Fixed] added fuelcans and repairkits to cleanup
* [Fixed] Height issue with scaffolding basepart
* [Fixed] broken server cleanup (now works again)
* [Fixed] Server cleanup now also cleans AI bodies
* [Changed] Loot in buildings is only spawned when a player enters town
* [Changed] Loot in buildings respawns after 30mins if player is near
* [Changed] Loot fuelcans have a 25% chance of having fuel inside
* [Changed] players spawn without a fuelcan (can be found/purchased)
* [Changed] Locked baseparts will be saved on server restart
* -incase enabled: after restart the baseparts will be spawned UNLOCKED(avoids clutter)
So do you have an ETA on this? I been messing around with adding some different side missions and adding a different outpost ( without any luck yet).
the recent changes to the dev branch forced me to redo most of the code but im in the 'finishing' stage atm :)

the only real big thing thats need finishing is the rearming-vehicle idea i have
Okay since the stable branch has just been updated ill get cracking at some final changes and build a release of GoT Wasteland v2.3 tonight!

stay tuned! :)